We had a chance to tackle the rapids on the St Louis River this past weekend! We carpooled up north on 35W, just 15 miles shy of Duluth, and all met at our launch location in Cloquet. We each had our own little adventures on the way up in anticipation of the big ones we would have in just a couple hours… when it was time to go, we all got our life jackets and a paddle and went to our assigned rafts… on the grass… hmmm what?? Ok, I guess they had to explain a few things before we went out on the water… probably a good thing! Ha! Then we finally got to set our rafts in the water and paddle out… practicing our together-ness with each stroke and getting the teamwork thing down. When we finally got to the rapids, it was a shock of how warm the water actually was compared to the 68 degree air! Some of us got soaked… ok, ALL of us got soaked with the waves spilling into and over our rafts, filling our rafts up to our seats with water… it’s like we were sitting in a pool! But as soon as we paddled through that last rapid, it was all smiles and laughter and an accomplishment of no one actually falling OUT of their raft! Anyone up for singing some “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” in a round? Good times as always with Events and Adventures!