Tampa - Events And Adventures

If your dating life is frustrating you, this exciting interactive event will teach you exactly what to change….

DATE This Saturday, October 4,2014

LOCATION  Hotel Palomar 2 East Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85004

COST  $495  $195  To thank you for making it through the storm last week!


10:00–12:00 Dating Skills training with Mark Owen, Personal Branding with Sherrie Nattrass

12:00–1:00  Lunch provided on the rooftop terrace

1:00–2:00    Q & A With Mark and Sherrie – Women and Men in separate groups

2:30–3:30   Interactive application of day’s insights, tools and information on the rooftop terrace.

We look forward to seeing you again, and cannot wait to give you more great tools to help you upgrade your social and dating life!  Last Saturday was fun, but this weekend will be amazing!  After our event Sherrie and I agreed to drop the price to for you to make sure as many of you as possible can afford to benefit from this information.  Saturday – its a date!

Sincerely,  Mark Owen

Mark Owen and Sherrie Nattrass, hosts of the singlesshow

Mr. Owen started his social club for singles, Events & Adventures (https://eventsandadventures.com), 28 years ago as his answer to matchmakers, nightclubs, and the predecessor of today’s online ads, newspaper classified ads. Events & Adventures hosts over 400 events every month in ten cities in the US and Canada, all of them geared to get singles interacting in real places, as opposed to the online world.

“I jumped at the chance to join an interactive, audience-driven discussion like this, because it is similar to what I’ve done with my company over the years: Get real people talking about real things, and doing real things. That’s how real relationships form in my opinion, whether they are friendships, romantic relationships, or the most profound relationships – marriages,” said Owen.

Events & Adventures expanded to Phoenix and Scottsdale in 2008. Of the 21 nationwide clubs started under the Events & Adventures banner since its beginnings in Seattle in 1987, the Phoenix area is Owens adopted home town as well, and the area has a special place in his heart.

“Phoenix is a world-class city – its people are known throughout the southwest as unique and fun souls who love adventure and the best things in life. We love our members here and love having them at our daily events throughout the valley of the sun,” says Owen. “At Events & Adventures there is no debate: our members want excitement, companionship, and love. We’re honored to deliver those things to them every single day!  I’m excited to begin giving this same information on how to be a great date and create great relationships to all singles here in Arizona”.