One thing you can count on is always having fun at our singles events here at our Vancouver Club. Saturday night at the bowling held this true, as we had a tonne of laughs and jokesters as usual. Making our gutter games more fun was the cheering for everyone when they couldn’t hit a pin, or in most cases, only left one standing. IT was like a conspiracy all night but the cheers and high fives were always around. We even went by nicknames all night and that sure made for some interesting conversation, we had Chris the Fritz, & Da Hound, Slick and even Sexyboy, (which by the way he never answered too) Don’t forget the sub in that we had, who forgot that bowling shoes were needed on the lanes…After playing a few rounds most of us headed out in the rain to grab desert and keep the night rolling a little longer. Always a blast and can’t wait til the next!!