All posts by John

Dating Yourself: A Guide to Self-Love, Reflection, & Being Happy

Fun event with Events & Adventures Vancouver

In a world constantly bombarded with images of romantic love and happily-ever-afters, it’s easy to forget the importance of cultivating a relationship with the most important person in your life: you. Dating yourself isn’t just about treating yourself to a fancy dinner or a solo movie night; it’s about truly getting to know and love yourself on a deeper level. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of dating yourself, how to do it effectively, and how joining Events & Adventures can enhance your life.

Why Date Yourself?

Self-Discovery: Dating yourself allows you the time and space to explore your own likes, dislikes, passions, and interests without the influence of others. It’s a journey of self-discovery that can lead to a greater understanding of who you are and what you want out of life.

Self-Love: Just like any other relationship, the relationship you have with yourself requires love, care, and attention. By dating yourself, you’re sending a powerful message that you value and prioritize your own happiness and well-being, setting you up for success in a relationship later on.

Independence: Learning to enjoy your own company and be comfortable being alone is a key aspect of personal growth. When you’re able to be independent and self-sufficient, you become less reliant on others for validation and fulfillment.

Empowerment: Taking yourself out on dates and treating yourself with kindness and respect can be incredibly empowering. It reinforces the idea that you don’t need someone else to complete you or make you happy.

How to Date Yourself

Plan Solo Adventures: Take yourself to places you’ve always wanted to go, whether it’s a museum, a hiking trail, or even abroad. Embrace the freedom of being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, without having to compromise with anyone else. Events & Adventures offers a wide range of activities and excursions that you can enjoy solo or with other singles, from outdoor adventures to international experiences and everything in between.

Reflection and Mindfulness: Set aside time for self-reflection and mindfulness to explore your thoughts, feelings, and goals. This can be a powerful tool for self-discovery by gaining clarity and insight into your own desires without judgment, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for the little things in life. Be present in the moment and savor the experiences you have while dating yourself.

Practice Self-Care: Treat yourself to regular self-care rituals that nourish your mind, body, and soul – take a long bath and practice meditation, or indulge in old and new hobbies and interests. Relaxing with self-care or trying new things can boost your confidence and enrich your life in many ways. Events & Adventures can be a good outlet for this, as we incorporate wellness activities such as yoga classes, spa days, craft nights, and more.

The Benefits of Dating Yourself

Increased Self-Confidence: When you learn to love and enjoy your own company, you become more confident in yourself and your abilities. You’ll be able to do things on your own and no longer seek validation from others because you know your worth comes from within, which will improve your dating experience when you’re ready to look for a partner.

Greater Independence: Dating yourself fosters a sense of independence and self-reliance. You become less afraid of being alone and more capable of navigating life’s ups and downs on your own terms. Being secure in yourself and your autonomy will also prepare you for a serious and healthy relationship when you’re ready for it.

Improved Mental Health: Self-love and self-care are essential components of good mental health. By prioritizing your own well-being and happiness, you’re better equipped to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.

Enhanced Relationships: Investing time in yourself can improve your relationships with others. When you’re happy and fulfilled on your own, you’re able to bring more positivity and authenticity to your interactions with friends, family, and potential romantic partners – even people you meet by joining E&A!


Dating yourself is a powerful practice that can transform your life in profound ways. By taking the time to nurture and cherish the relationship you have with yourself, you’ll not only discover a newfound sense of self-love and empowerment, but you’ll also open yourself up to a world of endless possibilities and adventures – including finding people who can enrich your life.

By joining Events & Adventures, you’ll be able to date yourself while simultaneously connecting with a vibrant community of individuals who share your passion for self-discovery, adventure, and personal growth. You’ll join a supportive environment of singles on their own journey, stepping out of their comfort zone to explore new hobbies and activities and embrace their independence while still enjoying the company of others. So go ahead, treat yourself to that solo date you’ve been dreaming of and join Events & Adventures – you deserve it!

Connect with Singles at In-Person Dating Events

Say hello to Events & Adventures Dallas members

As newer generations navigate the dating scene, the first place they often go is on a dating app. The convenience of swiping and the minimal risk associated with messaging has made dating more accessible, yet more difficult. Dating apps allow us to meet so many potential matches, but take away the opportunity to form genuine connections based on real interactions. Events & Adventures is here to change that – with over 30 in-person dating events per month in locations across the US and Canada, dating can go back to how it used to be.

Say Goodbye to Dating Apps

There are over 59 million online dating service users in the US alone, making dating apps akin to a social media app for singles. While they may seem like a good alternative for dating in the 21st century, committing to dating apps over in-person events has some downsides:

  • Overwhelming number of options. Having access to countless singles can initially be exciting, but can lead to fear of missing out on better matches. Seeing how many people are available subconsciously keeps us wanting more, which can lead to discontent in dating or perhaps jeopardizing existing relationships.
  • Though relatively rare, catfishing poses a threat to online daters. Someone’s profile may seem attractive, but there is a level of risk when going to meet them for a date. Not only are they misrepresented in their profile, they could be hiding other information or pose a safety concern.
  • Poor communication. It may seem counterintuitive, but dating apps could negatively affect communication skills. Texting can be easier for most people, but relying on texting alone can weaken your social skills, preventing you from forming interpersonal connections crucial for encounters at in-person dating events.

Meet People Naturally

It’s easier said than done, but meeting people organically can lead to stronger connections than those formed on dating apps. Here are some tips for how to meet singles in person:

  • Ask your friends. Your social circle can play a part in your search for companionship, as introductions through mutual connections can have a higher success rate, and it offers a built-in support system should a relationship start. You might also attend social events you might not normally go to when going out with friends, increasing the chances of meeting new people.
  • Pursue your interests. Whether it’s going to the gym, volunteering, or going to the park with your dog, your interests can help you meet others you already have things in common with. As the exposure effect states, we’re more likely to be attracted to things we are familiar with, especially people we see on a regular basis that share our interests. So, keep an eye out for someone you see often and strike up a conversation!
  • In-person dating events. Attending singles events or joining Events & Adventures increases your chances of meeting genuine people who share similar interests. Events & Adventures and its activities allow you to come and go as you please and present you with new opportunities to find people outside your circle with exciting experiences!

Join the Club: Events & Adventures

In-person dating events offer fun and low-pressure opportunities to form genuine connections, improve confidence in social settings, and ensure you are living in the moment. It’s time to delete those online dating apps and jump into something real – don’t struggle to find singles events in your area and join Events & Adventures! We are the premier singles-only club, with locations in major cities across the US and Canada, hosting 30+ exciting events every month! Our members have the freedom to attend any and all events that intrigue them and interact with other quality singles. E&A does the vetting for you to ensure a safe environment for meeting others who are serious about making friends, or finding a partner. Contact Events & Adventures today to Live a Life You Love and get started on your real-life dating journey.

Singles Awareness Day Means It’s Okay to Be Alone on Valentine’s Day

Fun event with Events and Adventures Phoenix

Valentine’s Day has arrived once again. For some, that may mean romantic dinners, exchanging of gifts, and showering their significant other in love. For singles, it may cause an amplified sense of loneliness amidst the frenzy. While it can be sad to be alone on Valentine’s Day surrounded by a sea of red roses and heart-shaped chocolates, there is no problem with being single during February. Events & Adventures will highlight the bright side to flying solo during this month of love, and how to celebrate Singles Awareness Day.

Freedom and Self-Discovery

One of the most liberating aspects of being single for Valentine’s Day is the freedom it affords. Without the constraints of a romantic partner, individuals are able to make their own decisions and enjoy things on their own terms. Whether it’s traveling solo, pursuing a new hobby, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home to focus on some self-care, the freedom that comes with being single is empowering. Embracing solitude invites personal growth and self-discovery, laying the foundation for a deeper understanding of oneself. Not to mention the money saved by not having to buy the flowers or gifts – which can be put toward these fun activities (or an Events & Adventures membership) for yourself!

Singles Awareness Day

Who knew there was a day dedicated to honoring singles? Established the day after Valentine’s Day to celebrate flying solo, this unofficial holiday was made to empower people spending V-Day alone and avoid partaking in a pity-party of being lonely. These individuals without significant others took back the term SAD and proved that it’s okay to be alone on Valentine’s Day, reclaiming their independence and happiness with Singles Awareness Day. If you’re wondering how to celebrate, simply show yourself some love and enjoy the positives of being single – and trust us, there’s a lot to be thankful for!

Building Meaningful Connections

While Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, it is also a celebration of all forms of love, including friendships and family. Being single provides an opportunity to further nurture and cherish these non-romantic connections. Whether it’s spending quality time with friends, bonding with family members, or reaching out to other loved ones, Valentine’s Day offers a chance to reflect on and strengthen these important relationships. Most importantly, a deeper love and connection can be nurtured with oneself, focusing on what makes you special. Understanding and embracing these qualities will allow the right person to come along sooner rather than later.


Society often places pressure on singles to be in romantic relationships, placing their value on their relationship status. However, being alone on Valentine’s Day challenges societal norms and celebrates the individuals who are strong enough to remain on their own in a world that’s all about finding a partner. It is a powerful statement of self-love and empowerment, confirming that one’s happiness and fulfillment are not contingent upon a romantic relationship. To coincide with that, being happy with oneself before entering a relationship is crucial for a happy, successful partnership.


Being single on Valentine’s Day is not something to be pitied, rather an opportunity to be embraced and celebrated. It offers a time for freedom, self-discovery, and empowerment, allowing individuals to revel in the beauty of their own company and cultivate meaningful connections with others. It’s okay to be alone on Valentine’s Day, but you don’t have to be when you have Events & Adventures! We have the quality singles you’re looking for who understand and revel in the joys of being single. We plan over 30 exciting events each month in over 15 cities across the US and Canada that are romance-free and all about having fun with great people, no strings attached. While our events are free of romance, we have countless couples who have met and married through E&A! As a member, you might find someone after all. The possibilities are endless with Events & Adventures – contact us today!