The Dallas and Houston groups met in Nacogdoches for a weekend of fun. We had a beautiful lodge and some people chose to camp. The ZipInn was a great space for out group. Nice amenities and 3 bathrooms! We enjoyed the fire pit each night as well as the full kitchen for meals. ZipNac did a great job teaching us what to do on a practice run 5 feet off the ground. No nerves. Then we set out on our first adventure. We loved zip lining above and though the trees. The guides were awesome. Then we headed to Roselake Ranch. I thought there was something very wrong when my GPS took us behind a Wal-Mart. Surprise! They had 70 acres in almost the middle of town that was stunningly green. The folks at Roselake Ranch made sure everyone had a horse that fit their skills; they even got me a horse that I only needed one hand to direct so I could take photos. Sweet!
Saturday night we returned to our lodge and made dinner and snacks. Fresh popcorn! Our more adventurous members took advantage of the night time zip line with glow necklaces. Totally different experience. The guides liked us so much they stayed and hung out with us for the rest of the evening. Sunday morning we had one last zip line after breakfast. Everyone helped pick up the lodge and we headed home to our prospective cities. We had a great, fun, adventurous but also relaxing weekend. The people out in Nacogdoches will definitely see us again.