Moving can be just as exciting as it is scary. Unfamiliar surroundings with no friends or family can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Making friends and finding a date is easier than you think. A new city means a whole new world of opportunities to explore, places to visit, and people to meet! This move is a good thing. It’s a fresh start and you’re going to make the most of it. If you’d like some tips on how to meet people in a new city, stick around as we discuss a few tried and true methods.
Say Yes to Work Friends
Depending on your profession, making friends at work isn’t always reliable, but it’s definitely a good common ground to meet new people. Most of your coworkers will be locals, meaning you can soak up the culture and get answers to important questions without having to ask strangers. If you prefer to keep your working life and recreational life separate, that’s fine too! You can make great new connections and network with acquaintances without getting too involved or personal. Get a feel for who your colleagues are, and if you are lucky enough to have likeable, friendly coworkers who invite you to hang out – go! Life is too short to miss out on good opportunities. Keep it professional, though. You don’t want to get an embarrassing nickname or something in your first few weeks. Work friends can become some of your best friends, and can potentially introduce you to even more.
Get Involved in Your Community
Making connections is often as easy as being present and positive. You don’t have to volunteer at a local shelter to get involved in your new community. Of course, you could do that, but we suggest you start by saying a daily good morning to the person across the hall, or in the corner store, or helping an elderly person with their groceries. People tend to remember a simple smile and kind deed. You’ll be surprised how far those things can go. One day, on your way home, after you’ve been called by name and waved at by a few familiar faces, you’ll realize you already have a place in the neighborhood and know quite a few people. Connections lead to more connections. Have a hobby? Consider looking up and joining local clubs and Facebook groups that you’re interested in. The most common way people meet others is by sharing an interest they have in common. That could mean anything from taking a class to becoming a regular at the local watering hole. Meeting others is a guaranteed bonus of simply doing whatever you already enjoy doing, but first you have to get out and do it. So, go get involved!
Leverage the Contacts You Do Have
We’re sure you’ve thought of this one, but maybe not all the way through. Before moving to the city, you probably scoured your brain and contact list for anyone you might know there. The fact that you’re looking for tips means you either didn’t have any, or you’re trying to meet a significant other – not find something platonic. Regardless – did you consider friends of friends? Just because you don’t know anyone in the city, doesn’t mean your friends don’t. Want to know how to meet people in a new city? Start by crowdsourcing new connections. Ask that college buddy who mentioned they have a cousin living where you are now. Okay, that’s a stretch, but you get the idea! Reach out and start networking your way to a contact list in your new location. Like we said before – connections make connections.
Avoid Dating Apps or Matchmakers
We can’t give you all the dos without any of the don’ts, so here’s some quick advice that some people learn the hard way. If you’re looking for a significant other to spend your time with, either because you already have friends where you are, or just because that’s what you want right now – don’t turn to the apps. Matchmakers are notoriously promiscuous, and even in a big city, you run the risk of encountering awkward situations. Trust us, nothing is worse than moving somewhere new, hooking up with someone random, and then finding out that they work in the same building – or go to your gym. This is just our advice, but try meeting people the organic way first. Get a feel for your new environment, and then you can think about hitting up the apps. If you still want to, that is…
Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone
As far as we know, you only get one life – so why not live a life you love? Putting yourself out there is the only way to make new connections, so naturally, introverts have it the hardest. For the more shy or reserved folks, going beyond the community involvement tip is unthinkable – especially in a new place. But what if there was an organization that made all of the introductions and icebreakers a little bit more palatable? What if you could pick and choose only the events you wanted to go to, with up to 30 different kinds planned and organized every single month? Oh, and did we mention that this happens in 14 cities across the U.S. and Canada? Events & Adventures is a singles club where chill events like bar crawls, game nights, and hobby classes are organized every night of the week. But that’s not all. You can also go on wild adventures like skydiving, whitewater rafting, and bucket-list travel destinations. The best part is, everyone is here to make new friends, do fun and exciting things that they mutually enjoy, and possibly – like many of our members have – find the one! If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, click here to learn more. And if you’re wondering where we’ve been all your life… join our singles club today! Whether you choose to use one, or all of these tips, we guarantee they’ll help you to start living a life you love. And, just in case you were wondering, that’s how to meet people in a new city.