What do you know Minneapolis Singles? It’s raining when we are supposed to have an outdoor event… but guess what?! We at Events and Adventures make the best of it! Instead of our “Outdoor Music In The Park” event tonight, we had to change it to a mingle at a local hangout instead due to rain… We can’t complain too much because the All-Star Home Run Derby was tonight as well… in the open stadium! But as we hung out at Tugg’s on the Riverfront, watching the home-run derby inside out of the rain, we laughed and made some new friends! And when it cleared up a little, we grabbed our umbrellas, put up our hoods and took a walk in the sprinkles along the Riverfront… splashing in puddles, ducking under someone else’s umbrella for some relief, and smiling for pictures by the Mississippi River dam despite the rain… and to top it off, we had a rainbow appear over our heads with one end landing in the water… we didn’t see a pot of gold, but we did have a fun adventure even if it wasn’t exactly what we had planned! Another great night with E&A friends!