I love Saturday mornings when spending them with friends, enjoying the summer weather and what we have left of it! We hiked in Taylor Falls Park today… well, hiked AND climbed I should say. Most of the trails bring us to a boulder or two to climb up on and over to keep going on with our journey. We even discovered things we haven’t seen before on the trails… devil’s cave, natural potholes carved into the rocks, and so much more. We tried new trails, and even “off-roaded” a little… we crossed the border and went over to the Wisconsin side of the river and took in the views and trails from that side… most people we happy to cross back over to the Minnesota side… especially after seeing some Packer fans hiking as well. So our “Welcome to Minnesota” sign pictures, were truly a relief (to some… I’m a Packer fan… SHHH don’t tell!) After we crossed back over, we headed to this old-fashioned ice cream shop and rewarded ourselves for our accomplishments that morning! We conquered our fears and met some new people… as we do every day as a part of E&A!