The age of Covid changed us – and when it came to dating, it changed everything. Solitude changed the way we think about relationships, the way we choose our partners, the kind of qualities we seek in our mates, and how we view ourselves.
Dating Before Covid vs. Dating During Covid
It almost seems like a dream when we look back on how things used to be. The dating scene, for many, involved casual dates, lots of socialization, and random hookups. In early March 2020, we hunkered down at home for weeks (if not months), and had some time to reflect.
Our time in isolation gave us a chance to re-evaluate our lives and do some serious soul searching. We had the time to take a good look at ourselves and decide what we wanted out of our careers, our friendships, our relationships, and our lives. Establishing connections with people became more important. Singles dating during Covid began to think about whether they really liked the other person or if they were just lonely and needed companionship. Playing the field became a health risk and many singles focused more on developing monogamous relationships, after being encouraged to stay inside and alone for weeks or months at a time.
The Evolution of Dating During Covid
As the lockdown continued, video dates became a thing. Getting to know people via video chat was a new way that people established connections and “screened” a potential date. Events & Adventures also saw the needs of cooped-up singles and created easy ways for people to meet during the height of the pandemic. Virtual events like game nights, happy hours, cooking classes, and even health and wellness sessions got people together and created social situations for singles seeking connection. Our virtual event calendar is still being filled with all kinds of fun events created for singles to meet, for those who are still interested in meeting new people in a virtual environment.
Dating App Fatigue
Swiping in your sweatpants became boring after a while and people were eager to get outside again when restrictions lifted. Socially distant dates were the next phase in the new dating-during-Covid regime. Outdoor dates became the norm and meeting up at parks for walks, picnics, and bike rides gave singles a back-to-basics approach to dating. Meeting people off-line became more exciting and making connections organically felt good.
That’s where Events & Adventures shines. Once outdoor life was in full swing again, our members enjoyed events like hiking, kayaking, and paintball over the summer, while winter activities including ice skating, outdoor picnics, and bonfires are what our members are up to now.
The Great Dating Reset
As the summer of 2021 approached, singles on social media coined the phrase “hot vax summer.” The hashtag implied a resurgence of casual dating with the availability of vaccines offered to the public. However, quite the opposite occurred. Over the course of the past 18 months, priorities had changed. Singles valued close relationships and friendships over a casual fling. The anticipated ‘summer of love’ turned into a more serious intentional dating strategy.
The time that we spent with ourselves allowed us to look inward and we became interested in becoming better versions of ourselves. We evaluated what we really wanted out of life and what resulted was a desire for deeper connections and experiences with a prospective mate, and that’s what Events & Adventures members value most. Offering exciting and engaging experiences that build a real connection and provide an easy, no-pressure environment to meet new people, is the perfect way to make new friends or find new love. Our thrill-seeking members enjoy bucket list adventures like skydiving, trapeze flying, and rock climbing, while low-key folks can relish in theater nights, museums, and resort day trips. No matter what category you fall into, there are plenty of ways to cross items off your bucket list while filling your emotional bucket.
The Covid Conversation
After almost two years into this pandemic, most singles have made up their minds on what their comfort levels are when it comes to dating during Covid. It’s important to communicate your thoughts when you first begin chatting with someone new. Be clear on what you are comfortable with (and what you’re not) and make conscious decisions that are in line with your values.
Keep It Stress-Free
Above all, have fun! Do what is right for you and venture into activities that bring you joy as well as provide you with the peace of mind you need whilst navigating the dating landscape. Changing your mindset can make all the difference. When you approach the idea of your single life more as “meeting new people” than “dating,” it can make the experience less stressful. That’s what Events & Adventures is all about. We make things easy and provide fun experiences where it’s easy to relax and connect with someone new.
For over 30 years, Events & Adventures has provided singles with fun and exciting ways to live their best lives. Our members enjoy events every night of the month and meet new people doing things they love to do – or have always wanted to do! Find out how Events & Adventures puts a new twist on dating the old-fashioned way. Get started with us today!