Have you done anything noteworthy or mentionable? That is the question that plagues Walter Mitty in the movie “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” First published in 1939 by James Thurber, Walter Mitty is a mild man with a vivid fantasy life. In his fantastic daydreams, he is the heroic, adventurous, romantic man he longs to be and personally triumphs. In Ben Stiller’s remake of the 1947 classic, Walter Mitty is trapped behind a desk where his biggest real-life adventure is trying to fill out an online dating profile. When asked what he has done that is noteworthy or mentionable, he has no answer.
Are you Walter Mitty?
Unbeknownst to Thurber and Stiller, they wrote a movie that embodies the spirit of Events & Adventures, an invitation-only club of singles who spend time together nearby or on the road having fun. Our members are often former Walter Mittys who have kicked off their daydreams and are now living the adventure. Events & Adventures plans activities for every personality and adventure level – from white water rafting or skydiving to hiking or cosmic bowling, there is an event to help you shed your Walter Mitty shell.
Don’t get stuck behind your computer playing games or risking virtual match ups, daydreaming about the fun your life could be and having the zest to seize it…Get out and live it with other singles, just like you and let Events & Adventures do all the work! With Events & Adventures, you can make your dreams a reality, all you have to do is sign up and show up – we take care of the rest. 2013 is coming to an end, make sure that 2014 is the year you do something noteworthy and mentionable. Get out. Have fun. And, maybe, meet that special someone.
Live the adventure. Events & Adventures is creating the “Walter Mitty Award” to identify “the most Walter Mitty Events & Adventures member. Stay tuned. Details are being finalized.