There’s no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with Events and Adventures Dallas on the water! We went out to Lake Ray Hubbard and spent the afternoon with our favorite Kayak instructor. We call him Kayak Dave. After we had our lifejackets, boats and general instruction Kayak Dave took us to a minimum wake bay on the edge of Lake Ray Hubbard. He did a really nice job of making sure everyone knew how to paddle for more motion, less work. He pointed out wildlife and taught us cool stuff about the lake we had a leisurely paddle with the wind to the end of the bay then we headed back. Against the wind was bit more challenging so we stopped at a sand bar half way for a break. Jade talked enough smack that she was helped out of the boat via flipping by one of the guys before she got out on her own. I know that payback will be fun to watch. After everyone cooled off in the lake and rehydrated we headed back to the launch area where just about everyone said they would be sore tomorrow. After an early dinner and discussion as to just how outrageous Jade’s retribution is going to be we all headed home for a late nap or early night. Great way to spend any afternoon in Texas!
This year the Chicagoland Events and Adventures celebrated Independence Day at Ribfest in Naperville! There were so many ribs to try, we had a hard time deciding which award winning vendor to choose from! Luckily there was a lot of sharing going on, so we we’re able to sample a good variety! It was definitely a relaxing day, hanging out by the South stage enjoying the music and good conversation. As the day went on, lots of silliness seemed to happen, which included fake mustaches! We later headed up to the North stage to enjoy some lively jazz music and found a great spot to watch the fireworks. We ended the night with an awesome fireworks displays and had an amazing day together as a group!
If you missed our 4th of July bash in Houston this year you missed a good one! In true American fashion we enjoyed hot dogs off the grill, Budweiser, Volleyball and a slip n’ slide in the backyard and tons of fun on the patio. When adults get the entire day off of work you know it’s time to party! We started at noon with volleyball and some water balloon fights and capped the day off watching the amazing fireworks show. The day flew by too fast but we’ve got some amazing pictures to remember the good times thanks to Ray! Members can check out the E&A calendar to see all the great ones they’re in! Can’t wait to do it again next year!
Volleyball is a staple every week, and every week I go, I am reminded of why I love this event. Volleyball is not just a group of people playing… It’s not even members anymore, it’s a family. The Volleyball Crew has become such an intricate part of E&A. Each week you see eachother, and play together, it makes it easy to become friends and get to know each other really well. Most of the best friends I have made in the club are from volleyball! So many relationships have been formed with volleyball being the reason. We have even had a few weddings that developed from our volleyball events! The bond that has been created over the years has really made this event was it is today. Lot’s of people, lots of fun, and lots of love. It’s true… I love my volleyball family.
On the water of course! So we rented a double decker party boat and here at Events and Adventures we did it right! We had burgers, dogs and sausages on the grill and everyone brought a side and beverages. We played in the water, used the slide and the brave souls jumped or dove off the top. It seems waaay higher looking down as it does looking up! We had a great variety of music so everyone did some water dancing. We got out the washable markers and wrote nicknames and smiley faces on each other. Discovering what people wanted to be called was hilarious. Ok, some people were given silly names but it was all in good fun. The greased watermelon rugby-ish game was comical to watch. When Captain Brian called us in from the water to head home everyone groaned and swam in as s-l-o-w-l-y as possible. Best summer day so far! And we get to do it again in August. Practice gabbing that greased watermelon and maybe you can beat Jade! Is there a better way for singles to have fun? See you in August!
The Dallas and Houston groups met in Nacogdoches for a weekend of fun. We had a beautiful lodge and some people chose to camp. The ZipInn was a great space for out group. Nice amenities and 3 bathrooms! We enjoyed the fire pit each night as well as the full kitchen for meals. ZipNac did a great job teaching us what to do on a practice run 5 feet off the ground. No nerves. Then we set out on our first adventure. We loved zip lining above and though the trees. The guides were awesome. Then we headed to Roselake Ranch. I thought there was something very wrong when my GPS took us behind a Wal-Mart. Surprise! They had 70 acres in almost the middle of town that was stunningly green. The folks at Roselake Ranch made sure everyone had a horse that fit their skills; they even got me a horse that I only needed one hand to direct so I could take photos. Sweet!
Saturday night we returned to our lodge and made dinner and snacks. Fresh popcorn! Our more adventurous members took advantage of the night time zip line with glow necklaces. Totally different experience. The guides liked us so much they stayed and hung out with us for the rest of the evening. Sunday morning we had one last zip line after breakfast. Everyone helped pick up the lodge and we headed home to our prospective cities. We had a great, fun, adventurous but also relaxing weekend. The people out in Nacogdoches will definitely see us again.