Events and Adventures Minneapolis had our first outing of Foot Golf this past weekend, the new sport that is “sweeping the nation”! As we were waiting in the club house waiting for everyone to arrive, we were debating on if it’s still called a “tee time” or if it should be a “kick off” or “punt time”… as we split into teams and sent the first one off, we were figuring out our strategies and anxious to see what was in store for us. The first group “kicked off” and we watched as they made their way closer to the 21 inch cup… We heard some cheers as a surprising kick went in along with some “Ahhhhh’s” when the ball didn’t go in… then it was our turn to try! We each placed our ball on the tee box as it was out turn and made a running kick, much like the “Happy Gillmore” in the movie, just without a club! And as we made our way through the course and laughed and cheered each other on, we realized at the end of the round, that it doesn’t matter what we do because we get to do it with friends! AND something we normally wouldn’t have tried! We can’t wait until our next round of Foot Golf! FORE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tag Archives: events and adventures
Painting and Socializing With Events and Adventures Dallas!
Paint the top 3 inches or so blue. Then paint this white in circular motions, that darker blue and blend in green like this. (Ding!) You are concentrating too hard! Breathe. Take of drink of whatever you have. Breathe again. Mix in a little white. Ok, in this corner star with the tan. Break time, let it dry a few minutes, grab a snack, refill your beverage and socialize. This is really going to be a painting when I’m done! During our break we check out each other’s paintings and steal ideas of how to make our a little bit better. We all know who the real artists are. We laugh about how this blank canvas we were given is turning into an actual painting. By the end of our 2 hour session we all have a real painting we did without numbers or special paint. Some will hang in their home; others given to family as gifts (Mom’s like home made gifts no matter how old we are) and others will be regaled to hang in the laundry room or closet where only the artist sees it and thinks I made that!
The Dallas Aquarium with Single Friends
The Dallas Aquarium with single friends is a great way to spend a most muggy summer day. We had a great time and the Aquarium here has lots of animals too. No whales, seals or dolphins but they make up for it by having quite a few different types of animals too. We all talked about if you could have any pet what it would be. Who wants big scary pets and who wants amphibians. Many people you’d never guess what their interests are. It’s interesting to learn more about my new friends. We had a great day. Next month we are going to the Zoo to check out their animals and feed some too!
Tackling the Rapids on the St Louis River!
We had a chance to tackle the rapids on the St Louis River this past weekend! We carpooled up north on 35W, just 15 miles shy of Duluth, and all met at our launch location in Cloquet. We each had our own little adventures on the way up in anticipation of the big ones we would have in just a couple hours… when it was time to go, we all got our life jackets and a paddle and went to our assigned rafts… on the grass… hmmm what?? Ok, I guess they had to explain a few things before we went out on the water… probably a good thing! Ha! Then we finally got to set our rafts in the water and paddle out… practicing our together-ness with each stroke and getting the teamwork thing down. When we finally got to the rapids, it was a shock of how warm the water actually was compared to the 68 degree air! Some of us got soaked… ok, ALL of us got soaked with the waves spilling into and over our rafts, filling our rafts up to our seats with water… it’s like we were sitting in a pool! But as soon as we paddled through that last rapid, it was all smiles and laughter and an accomplishment of no one actually falling OUT of their raft! Anyone up for singing some “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” in a round? Good times as always with Events and Adventures!
Events and Adventures Receiving the Royal Treatment at the Cubs Game!
Events and Adventures Chicago received the royal treatment this past Tuesday night for the Cubs vs Padres game! Waiting at the top of the bleachers for us was a whole row of couches reserved for E&A! We had the best view from the rooftop overlooking the Cubbies at Wrigley Field. We sported our baseball gear and enjoyed the array of food and beverages included in our ticket price! There might have been more socializing then actual game watching, but we had an amazing time as a singles group! And we must be good luck because the Cubs brought home the WIN!
Another Beautiful Singles Hike in Vancouver!
Just last weekend some of our Events and Adventures Singles got a beautiful Hiking bug up to the top of Chief Mountain in Squamish. They braved the giant granite rock and even a downpour of rain but the views at the top were a remarkable reward for the time investment. The fun part starts about halfway to the peak when some of them stopped having to huff and puff. Looking around at the beautiful surroundings of the beautiful forest only took their breath away again. They ended up about 4 hour round trip with quite a few photo stops and a pretty solid lunch break on the top of the peak, just a great time spent with friends to make you realize how amazing our Province really is. Beautiful BC!
We Made the Best of a Little Rain!
What do you know Minneapolis Singles? It’s raining when we are supposed to have an outdoor event… but guess what?! We at Events and Adventures make the best of it! Instead of our “Outdoor Music In The Park” event tonight, we had to change it to a mingle at a local hangout instead due to rain… We can’t complain too much because the All-Star Home Run Derby was tonight as well… in the open stadium! But as we hung out at Tugg’s on the Riverfront, watching the home-run derby inside out of the rain, we laughed and made some new friends! And when it cleared up a little, we grabbed our umbrellas, put up our hoods and took a walk in the sprinkles along the Riverfront… splashing in puddles, ducking under someone else’s umbrella for some relief, and smiling for pictures by the Mississippi River dam despite the rain… and to top it off, we had a rainbow appear over our heads with one end landing in the water… we didn’t see a pot of gold, but we did have a fun adventure even if it wasn’t exactly what we had planned! Another great night with E&A friends!
Six Flags, Members Mtg and Games For Chicagoland Singles!
This past weekend was jam-packed with so much fun for Chicagoland Singles that we needed to blog about two events this week! First on Saturday night we had our New Member Ice Breaker! There were a TON of new faces to welcome. They all had a blast playing “People Bingo” and getting to know interesting facts about one another! After the meeting, mingling, and buffet, it was game time! With air hockey, shooting games, racing games, and tickets to win, we were like little kids in a candy store! It was great to see a lot of new members mingling and fitting in with the group so well! It was a great night had by all…but then there was Sunday! Sunday Funday at 6 Flags Great America! With the new amazing ride Goliath out, that’s where we headed first… only to find out there was almost 4 hour wait! A little disappointed, we set out to ride some other roller coasters. Turns out, it was great that everyone else was in line for Goliath, because that meant shorter lines everywhere else! Everyone said they’ve never been able to go on so many coasters in one day! We even had a take breaks to give our stomachs a rest. By the end of the day, we were very tired and ready to head home after a long day of excitement. What an amazing weekend with E&A!
Crazy Chilliwack Weekend Rafting with our Vancouver and Seattle Clubs!
Ready to ramp it up Vancouver and Seattle Singles!!! Our overnight camping along the Chilliwack river was fun. Enjoying tasty meals, campfire and camaraderie was terrific . On the Chilliwack Classic , you always have the option to walk around the biggest rapids. The Chilliwack Canyon is 14 km of nonstop Mild action ( Classic ) or the Extreme rafters with its monster rapid waves for hard core rafters. So many ways to get wet and have fun. Of course we needed to camp overnight and get our party on after a hard day on the river, so why not have a Toga party? We weren’t the only ones camping over so there was lots of milling about and great campfires all over the resort …..Nothing makes you more tolerant of a neighbors noisy party than being there. Fun had by all on three different rafting trips. A mild and hard core group on Saturday and another group conquered the class 4 waves on Sunday!! Amazing as always was the Staff at Chilliwack River Rafting and of course the amazing group of members we had from both the Seattle and Vancouver Clubs
When You Live In Seattle You Have To Get Out And Enjoy The Water That Is All Around!
When you are single and live in or around Seattle you have to get out and enjoy the water that is all around here. The Puget Sound, Elliott Bay, Lake Washington and Lake Union.
We just had a couple of great on-the-water events, Kayaking in Lake Union and Sunset Sailing in Elliott Bay and into the Puget Sound. When it comes to our water adventures it was clear that not all of us had been out Kayaking or Sailing before. Which was fine because the club had set these up to allow folks that are beginners to jump in and have fun along with other that may have more experience.
While we were out Sailing we had Champagne and sandwiches and other things to nibble on and of course amazing views.
Kayaking is much more hands on. We had a great mix of newbie’s and folks that had been out on kayaks before. It was a lot of fun and as a group we went to a nearby restaurant/bar to swap stories and mingle a bit.