Events and Adventures Chicago received the royal treatment this past Tuesday night for the Cubs vs Padres game! Waiting at the top of the bleachers for us was a whole row of couches reserved for E&A! We had the best view from the rooftop overlooking the Cubbies at Wrigley Field. We sported our baseball gear and enjoyed the array of food and beverages included in our ticket price! There might have been more socializing then actual game watching, but we had an amazing time as a singles group! And we must be good luck because the Cubs brought home the WIN!
What do you know Minneapolis Singles? It’s raining when we are supposed to have an outdoor event… but guess what?! We at Events and Adventures make the best of it! Instead of our “Outdoor Music In The Park” event tonight, we had to change it to a mingle at a local hangout instead due to rain… We can’t complain too much because the All-Star Home Run Derby was tonight as well… in the open stadium! But as we hung out at Tugg’s on the Riverfront, watching the home-run derby inside out of the rain, we laughed and made some new friends! And when it cleared up a little, we grabbed our umbrellas, put up our hoods and took a walk in the sprinkles along the Riverfront… splashing in puddles, ducking under someone else’s umbrella for some relief, and smiling for pictures by the Mississippi River dam despite the rain… and to top it off, we had a rainbow appear over our heads with one end landing in the water… we didn’t see a pot of gold, but we did have a fun adventure even if it wasn’t exactly what we had planned! Another great night with E&A friends!
One thing you can count on is always having fun at our singles events here at our Vancouver Club. Saturday night at the bowling held this true, as we had a tonne of laughs and jokesters as usual. Making our gutter games more fun was the cheering for everyone when they couldn’t hit a pin, or in most cases, only left one standing. IT was like a conspiracy all night but the cheers and high fives were always around. We even went by nicknames all night and that sure made for some interesting conversation, we had Chris the Fritz, & Da Hound, Slick and even Sexyboy, (which by the way he never answered too) Don’t forget the sub in that we had, who forgot that bowling shoes were needed on the lanes…After playing a few rounds most of us headed out in the rain to grab desert and keep the night rolling a little longer. Always a blast and can’t wait til the next!!
There’s no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with Events and Adventures Dallas on the water! We went out to Lake Ray Hubbard and spent the afternoon with our favorite Kayak instructor. We call him Kayak Dave. After we had our lifejackets, boats and general instruction Kayak Dave took us to a minimum wake bay on the edge of Lake Ray Hubbard. He did a really nice job of making sure everyone knew how to paddle for more motion, less work. He pointed out wildlife and taught us cool stuff about the lake we had a leisurely paddle with the wind to the end of the bay then we headed back. Against the wind was bit more challenging so we stopped at a sand bar half way for a break. Jade talked enough smack that she was helped out of the boat via flipping by one of the guys before she got out on her own. I know that payback will be fun to watch. After everyone cooled off in the lake and rehydrated we headed back to the launch area where just about everyone said they would be sore tomorrow. After an early dinner and discussion as to just how outrageous Jade’s retribution is going to be we all headed home for a late nap or early night. Great way to spend any afternoon in Texas!
Volleyball is a staple every week, and every week I go, I am reminded of why I love this event. Volleyball is not just a group of people playing… It’s not even members anymore, it’s a family. The Volleyball Crew has become such an intricate part of E&A. Each week you see eachother, and play together, it makes it easy to become friends and get to know each other really well. Most of the best friends I have made in the club are from volleyball! So many relationships have been formed with volleyball being the reason. We have even had a few weddings that developed from our volleyball events! The bond that has been created over the years has really made this event was it is today. Lot’s of people, lots of fun, and lots of love. It’s true… I love my volleyball family.
E&A has definitely been a great time in my life. I have met some really awesome friends that I am so thankful for. For Thanksgiving, I spent the weekend not working at all (which is probably a first, and really only because I didn’t have any cell service or wifi). Instead, I was tucked away in a friends cabin near Pinecrest. It was a small group of 4, but we have all become extremely close. We met through E&A and have been close friends over the last 4 years. Charles & Stacy have always been dear to me (I even preformed their wedding ceremony), and this last weekend really helped me remember the great relationships that E&A creates. The fact that we all were brought together again and spent Thanksgiving weekend in their cabin was something that you can’t do with just anyone. You have to truly like the people! We drank wine, we ate TONS, watched movies, talked, and played Cards Against Humanity. Thanksgiving was special this year because of the friends I made through E&A.