The Singles Social Club Blog | Events and Adventures

How to Set Boundaries in Dating

How to Set Boundaries in Dating

You’ve probably heard it before – communication is key. When setting your boundaries in dating, it’s tough to establish ground rules without having a conversation. While it may seem scary to put your emotions on the table, it’s a worthwhile exercise when getting to know someone.

So, what are boundaries? Boundaries help us communicate our wants, needs, and issues we are having. This means that boundaries will vary from relationship to relationship. They could be physical, emotional, or even geographical. There are many types of boundaries, and that’s why a dialogue is necessary. Maybe you’re the type of person who likes to take things slow, so you decide to wait a certain amount of time before going on a vacation, or even moving in with someone. Or, the person you’re talking to may have a pre-existing concern from a past relationship. That’s something to listen to and consider when setting boundaries. Open communication about worries, hopes, and fears will lead to a healthier and happier relationship going forward.

When Do You Set Boundaries?

Maybe you haven’t met your significant other yet. That doesn’t mean it’s too early to set boundaries. Boundaries stem from your own attitude and character and contribute to the standards you expect in a relationship. Before you even meet someone, you may already have existing boundaries in place. This will help you avoid any awkwardness months or years into a relationship when you feel the need to put your foot down. The purpose of these limitations is to protect yourself, so it’s never too early to consider what’s off-limits. Setting boundaries early on puts you in an ideal position to meet someone compatible with your personality.

Which Boundaries Should You Consider?

The boundaries you set are a personal reflection of your character, but there are some common themes among dating limitations. You’ll want to consider how you prefer to communicate with someone, whether it’s over text, call, or face-to-face. Think about how much personal space you require or how often you expect a date night. When you get upset, how do you prefer to resolve a conflict? Finally, what is the level of commitment you expect from a partner? These are concepts to consider before you start dating someone, and while you continue to date them, too. And remember, if you look for a partner in a safe, secure environment, you may not have to consider too many rules with a well-suited and like-minded partner.

Listen Like Never Before

So, you’re ready to have the boundaries conversation. This is the time to get to know the person you’re seeing – and listen to what they have to say. It may be difficult for them to communicate their feelings, especially if it comes from a place of vulnerability. It’s important to let them speak without interrupting, and acknowledge that you hear them. While it’s imperative to listen, don’t be afraid to speak up. Starting the conversation is the hardest part, so once words are flowing, let the other person know how you feel. Remember, the most important aspect of this conversation is upholding respect for each other.

State Your Non-negotiables

When discussing boundaries, stick with your non-negotiables throughout the conversation. There’s a reason you decided a boundary is non-negotiable. If you’re having trouble finding a compromise, it’s okay to say “no” in this conversation.

Stay Open to Possibilities

While it’s beneficial to state your boundaries, remember that you don’t need to close the door on opportunities. If you decide to set too many boundaries in a relationship, it’s possible you may miss out on new experiences you may like. Stepping out of your comfort zone is like trying new foods. You never know if you’ll like something until you try it. When breaching your comfort zone, it’s okay to be uncomfortable, but the situation should not be intolerable and painful. Know your limits and trust your instincts.

Speaking of trying new things, you might feel ready to take a leap of faith and meet someone. You never know when you’ll bump into “the one.” Set yourself up for success and make the effort to put yourself out there. Participate in hobbies with a group, join a club, and say hello to strangers. We can help with that…

Time to Meet Someone New

If you’ve established boundaries and feel ready to meet someone, you might be wondering, “Where do I meet them?” In the digital age, many people flock to dating apps. But with the infinite number of people to swipe left or right on, it’s common to become accustomed to the plethora of options. With so many choices, people often lose interest almost instantly. They know other options exist, so coming across one flaw leads to endless swiping once again. There’s a better alternative.

While it may seem antiquated, we suggest meeting people the tried-and-true way. It’s time to put the devices away and spend time with local singles in person. At Events & Adventures, we do our best to make it easy for you. Don’t worry about flaky people you’ll need to set endless boundaries with. Meet up with singles at a pre-planned activity, ditching the arrangement and logistics. Everyone is screened to make your experience worry-free and enjoyable.

With over 30 unique events each month, you can choose to attend the activities that spark your interest. Chances are you’ll meet like-minded individuals there. From bar crawls and skydiving to wine tasting and cooking classes, we’ve got something you’ll love. It’s a no-pressure environment, with no expectation of dating or tying the knot — although many of our members have done so! If you’re ready to meet relatable singles in 14 cities across the U.S. and Canada, join Events & Adventures. Click here to learn how you can get started.

How to Meet People in a New City

singles members ready to go skydiving

Moving can be just as exciting as it is scary. Unfamiliar surroundings with no friends or family can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Making friends and finding a date is easier than you think. A new city means a whole new world of opportunities to explore, places to visit, and people to meet! This move is a good thing. It’s a fresh start and you’re going to make the most of it. If you’d like some tips on how to meet people in a new city, stick around as we discuss a few tried and true methods.

Say Yes to Work Friends

Depending on your profession, making friends at work isn’t always reliable, but it’s definitely a good common ground to meet new people. Most of your coworkers will be locals, meaning you can soak up the culture and get answers to important questions without having to ask strangers. If you prefer to keep your working life and recreational life separate, that’s fine too! You can make great new connections and network with acquaintances without getting too involved or personal. Get a feel for who your colleagues are, and if you are lucky enough to have likeable, friendly coworkers who invite you to hang out – go! Life is too short to miss out on good opportunities. Keep it professional, though. You don’t want to get an embarrassing nickname or something in your first few weeks. Work friends can become some of your best friends, and can potentially introduce you to even more.

Get Involved in Your Community

Making connections is often as easy as being present and positive. You don’t have to volunteer at a local shelter to get involved in your new community. Of course, you could do that, but we suggest you start by saying a daily good morning to the person across the hall, or in the corner store, or helping an elderly person with their groceries. People tend to remember a simple smile and kind deed. You’ll be surprised how far those things can go. One day, on your way home, after you’ve been called by name and waved at by a few familiar faces, you’ll realize you already have a place in the neighborhood and know quite a few people. Connections lead to more connections. Have a hobby? Consider looking up and joining local clubs and Facebook groups that you’re interested in. The most common way people meet others is by sharing an interest they have in common. That could mean anything from taking a class to becoming a regular at the local watering hole. Meeting others is a guaranteed bonus of simply doing whatever you already enjoy doing, but first you have to get out and do it. So, go get involved!

Leverage the Contacts You Do Have

We’re sure you’ve thought of this one, but maybe not all the way through. Before moving to the city, you probably scoured your brain and contact list for anyone you might know there. The fact that you’re looking for tips means you either didn’t have any, or you’re trying to meet a significant other – not find something platonic. Regardless – did you consider friends of friends? Just because you don’t know anyone in the city, doesn’t mean your friends don’t. Want to know how to meet people in a new city? Start by crowdsourcing new connections. Ask that college buddy who mentioned they have a cousin living where you are now. Okay, that’s a stretch, but you get the idea! Reach out and start networking your way to a contact list in your new location. Like we said before – connections make connections.

Avoid Dating Apps or Matchmakers

We can’t give you all the dos without any of the don’ts, so here’s some quick advice that some people learn the hard way. If you’re looking for a significant other to spend your time with, either because you already have friends where you are, or just because that’s what you want right now – don’t turn to the apps. Matchmakers are notoriously promiscuous, and even in a big city, you run the risk of encountering awkward situations. Trust us, nothing is worse than moving somewhere new, hooking up with someone random, and then finding out that they work in the same building – or go to your gym. This is just our advice, but try meeting people the organic way first. Get a feel for your new environment, and then you can think about hitting up the apps. If you still want to, that is…

Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone

As far as we know, you only get one life – so why not live a life you love? Putting yourself out there is the only way to make new connections, so naturally, introverts have it the hardest. For the more shy or reserved folks, going beyond the community involvement tip is unthinkable – especially in a new place. But what if there was an organization that made all of the introductions and icebreakers a little bit more palatable? What if you could pick and choose only the events you wanted to go to, with up to 30 different kinds planned and organized every single month? Oh, and did we mention that this happens in 14 cities across the U.S. and Canada? Events & Adventures is a singles club where chill events like bar crawls, game nights, and hobby classes are organized every night of the week. But that’s not all. You can also go on wild adventures like skydiving, whitewater rafting, and bucket-list travel destinations. The best part is, everyone is here to make new friends, do fun and exciting things that they mutually enjoy, and possibly – like many of our members have – find the one! If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, click here to learn more. And if you’re wondering where we’ve been all your life… join our singles club today! Whether you choose to use one, or all of these tips, we guarantee they’ll help you to start living a life you love. And, just in case you were wondering, that’s how to meet people in a new city.

Dating in Your 30s Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

singles group members ready to go white water rafting

You’re not alone if you feel like dating in your 30s is more of a job than an adventure. If finding a significant other was hard before, dating apps and social media have made it even harder. Nowadays, the dating scene is either hunting for hookups online or making third-date marriage proposals – there is no in-between. Everyone seems to know exactly what they’re looking for, yet somehow, no one can seem to find it. Except for your friends, of course. Everyone else in your life seems to be falling in love and posting about it on social media. Because of this, the dating pool seems even smaller now, so finding exactly what you’re searching for is that much more difficult. All this negativity is not exactly inspiring, but trust us, it’s not as bad as you think. In fact, it doesn’t have to be bad at all. Here are some positives about dating in your 30s that you only realize after leveling up.

30 is the New 20

Remember when being single was a good thing? In your 20s, single life used to be about going out and enjoying your freedom. Nowadays, you probably don’t go out half as often and wish you could just settle down with the right person instead of going on pointless dates. One way or the other, it’s safe to say that at 30, your perspective on being single is no longer the same. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be just as exciting or even more so. At 30, you may have a bit more back pain – and everywhere else pain – but you still feel (mentally) like you’re way younger. It doesn’t help when you feel like you just lost two years of dating time to quarantine during a global pandemic… The bright side is, now that you have a bit more experience, money in the bank, and a new perspective on life – you can do whatever you want! Acting your age is for old people. You could just as easily travel to Disney World, as around the world, and you can finally afford to. The only issue might be finding company to go with.

Your Priorities Have Changed for the Better

Dating in your 30s is like investing your money – it has to be worth it. One of the things about hitting level 30 is that you’ve gained enough experience to know yourself and what you want out of a partnership. Not just that, you’re not as willing to compromise on it. That’s a good thing. You’re growing up. Yes, there are times you might wonder if your standards are too high, or if you’re missing out on something, but that’s just FOMO and too much social media. The fact is, once you know what you want, and more importantly – what you need – it’s just not as easy to settle for less. And again, this is a great thing for you. Remember, you’re not the only one growing up and turning 30. This newfound clarity is not unique to you, and the dating pool is not as small as you may think. There are tons of single people in your age group looking for exactly what you are. The question is – how do you find them?

The Secret to Dating in Your 30s

Being single and being lonely are not mutually exclusive. After 30, however, many of your friends may already be married and are less available as a result. Those who aren’t married might be pursuing their career in another part of the world entirely. Maybe you’re recently divorced and didn’t keep in touch with your old friends as much. Whatever the cause for your lack of companionship, that’s what you’re really looking for – companionship. Don’t get us wrong, we know you’d gladly take a good relationship if you found one, with emphasis on the word “good.” But you’re not necessarily searching for one either. What you want is that 30 going on 13 feeling. You want to get out, have a blast, and tick off your bucket list items while you’re at it. You want events to go to after work and people to go with. You want to go on adventures that lead you to someone special enough to share more adventures with. 


Well, if that’s what you’re looking for – it’s Events & Adventures. We are a singles club, not a dating service, where 30 exciting activities are planned every single month. There is no pressure to date any of the other members, but at least you know everyone there is single if you wanted to. If you’re interested in making new friends, having a whole lot of fun, and potentially finding the one – click the link and get started with us today!

Ditch the Dating App Fatigue and Live a Life You Love

Ditch the Dating App Fatigue and Live a Life You Love

We’ve all experienced it, had to deal with it, and wished it would end. We’re talking about burnout. It can come from work, play, hobbies, and even dating apps. Especially from dating apps! Who isn’t tired of swiping, writing bios, editing photos, and managing multiple conversations – all to just rinse and repeat? It’s like a full-time job that doesn’t pay! Now, we’re not saying that online dating is completely fruitless. Many have found both casual and long-term relationships using these services. Still, there are many who believe this modern dating culture simply isn’t for them. Whether you’re one of those trying to prevent dating app fatigue, or those trying to escape from the apps altogether, we have some tips.

Four Ways to Prevent Dating App Fatigue

  • Know what you want. This might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people only think they know what they want in a partner. If you’re looking for love in all the wrong places, you’re going to find all the wrong kinds of love. Take your time, ahead of time, or be forced to deal with trial-and-error dating that inevitably leads to dating burnout.
  • Set clear preferences to filter who you match with. Now that you know what you’re looking for, make sure the app is well informed of those preferences. Provide all the information the application asks for, and make sure your biography and other identifying details are as accurate as possible, including photos. Let people know who you are and what you want.
  • Limit your time on the apps. Spend too much time on anything and burnout is guaranteed. So, no more mindless swiping or spending hours stressing over openers and replies. Set a boundary for yourself and stick to it. We recommend no more than one hour per day.
  • Take a break for a week or two. This is generally the best way to avoid burnout of any kind. If it’s too much right now, put the apps down and do something else. There’s no harm in stepping away for a while to avoid dating burnout. Just find something else to occupy your time – like living your life.

How to Escape Dating Burnout Completely

Delete the apps, skip the dating burnout, and start living a life you love. Yes, it can be that simple. The word “delete” may sound permanent and extreme, but only if you forget how easy it is to reinstall. It’s not the end of the world – it’s a new beginning! Believe it or not, people still meet in school, at work, and during their hobbies. Occasionally, there’s even the mythical love at first sight. You know, like, at the grocery store or something. But what do all of these meet-cutes have in common? These people meet face-to-face, organically, and because of a shared interest. It may sound cliché, but the best way to find someone else is to focus on yourself. Do the things you want to do; go learn, experience, and enjoy more. You’ll know so much about yourself by the time you’re done, that finding a significant other will be significantly easier. And don’t worry. If you don’t have any single friends or hobbies to get you through your dating app detox, we have a solution for that as well.

Another Way to Meet Singles

Events & Adventures is not a dating app or service. We’re a singles club that provides up to 30 exciting activities every single month, across 14 major cities. We have hundreds of single members who just want to see more of what life has to offer with great people. The best part is no one will flash you a wedding ring or try to hide one from you. Everyone is single! Each member is selectively interviewed, background checked, and then personally invited to the club. We want our singles to meet only the best people. Events range from chill evenings like game nights and bar crawls – to daring adventures like skydiving and whitewater rafting. Imagine always having plans for things you want to do, having fun and single people to do them with, and no pressure to date unless you want to. It’s the ultimate way to “do you” and still potentially meet “the one” along the way. Our members are waiting to meet you at events happening almost every night! Get started today and ditch the dating app fatigue for good.

The Adult Summer Camp That Never Ends

singles club members having fun by the pool at adult summer camp

Ah, summer camp. Do you still have fond memories of trading your parents for counselors and getting to have fun with kids your age, all summer long? We do too! While you might wish you could still go to one, you’re not a kid anymore, and frankly, you might stand out a bit. Adult summer camps actually do exist – but they’re limited to summertime and have other restrictions as well, and aren’t necessarily close to you. What about an adult summer camp that never ends? Yup, you read that correctly. We’re talking about non-stop, every single month, fun and exciting activities – only for adults! If that sounds like something you’re interested in, keep reading. It gets better!

Camp without a tent or a cabin.

This isn’t the kind of adult summer camp you pack a duffle bag or bring bug spray for, although it might be a good idea for some of the activities. At Camp Events & Adventures, you don’t need to take time off from school or work. And since it never ends, there’s no deadline to get in on the fun! Decide when you want to go, and give up the sleeping bag to sleep in the comfort of your own bed.

You choose the activities!

Not only can you stay at home until you’re ready for some fun, but the fun you leave the house for is totally up to you! Whether you’re looking for chill events or wild escapades, there’s something for everyone with up to 30 events and adventures every single month. This month there was a pizza-making class, a group beach day, a comedy night, and a Luau Tiki Party – just to name a few. And that’s just scratching the surface. There was also a lightsaber combat class…don’t you wish you were there? Choose what you like best and go for it, or go to all of our events. The choice is always yours.

Single adults only.

Even though we’re like an adult summer camp and not a dating service, isn’t it good to know that everyone you go to camp with is over 21 and single? That way, while skydiving, bar crawling, or taking a class – if you happen to fall for a member of your group – shoot your shot! At least you know they won’t flash you a wedding ring. Have all the fun of summer camp, including the romantic hook-ups, except this time, you get to be the counselors.

Camp in, or out of town!

We’ve already mentioned that you don’t need a tent or a cabin, but what about going out of town? Well, this camp spans 13 states with different events and adventures in each one! Adult summer camps can be isolated to the camp location, but not this one. Visit any of the participating locations as a member and discover a whole new list of exhilarating experiences to enjoy. Plus, international travel is a part of the package, with groups making trips multiple times a year.

How do I sign up?

We hope this is no surprise at this point, but Events & Adventures isn’t really an “adult summer camp” at all. But it certainly does feel like one. Our members go on trips around the world, or stay local and have a blast. They learn, try, and enjoy new things every month with single people just like them. There’s no pressure to hook up or find “the one”. The point is to have as much fun as possible with like-minded, single adults. It’s an unforgettable experience you’ll long to return to, month after month. Sounds like an adult summer camp to us! Click here to get started.

Live a Life You Love With Tampa Singles

tampa singles club members enjoying dinner

Tampa is a city that has something for everyone. You might be looking for some of the more thrilling adventures Tampa is known for, but there are tons of laid-back activities suited to just about every lifestyle and preference. The problem can be finding people to do them with. But don’t worry, we have solutions for that too! If you’re a local, we won’t waste your time listing things you already know about your hometown, but hopefully these general ideas inspire you to start getting more out of life with other Tampa singles. Plus – stay tuned – we have a special tip at the end!

How to Get the Most Out of Tampa

Did you know that Tampa is ranked as the top city in Florida for meeting singles? And among the top 20 cities in the U.S. overall?  If you’re looking for new friends with the potential to become more than just that, Tampa is exactly where you need to be! There are so many things to see and do in Tampa, and tons of single people to experience them with – if you can find the right ones, that is. We can’t possibly go over everything in Tampa Bay, but below are a few simple examples of what you can do solo, or with the companions you meet along the way.

Take a Class. Mahatma Gandhi said to “live as if you were to die tomorrow,” and to “learn as if you were to live forever.” This is great advice when it comes to meeting new people and living your best life. A class can help you fulfill a longtime goal, teach you something new, or give you the tools necessary to teach others. A yoga, fitness, or dancing class can also help you to lose weight and upkeep a healthy lifestyle. Plus, you’ll have a lot of fun in the process! Classes are also great ways to meet new people since most aren’t solo experiences and usually require you to pair up and work together. It’s also guaranteed that you have at least one thing in common with your classmates – the will to be there in the first place.

Go to a Show or Concert. Music is a universal unifier. At concerts and events like the Gasparilla Music Festival, or the Pride and Passion LGBTQ+ event, you’ll be surrounded by people who enjoy the music that you do. Of course, it can be a bit crowded and loud to make good conversation at concerts. However, like a class, it puts you in direct contact with those you already have something in common with. Aside from these events, you can always see a touring artist, or do something less “on your feet” with a visit to the historic Tampa Theater for example. There are many live events, performances, and shows to be seen in Tampa. And believe us, this is only scratching the surface of the entertainment options – so choose something and get started!

Grab the First Round. Cities are known for their buzzing nightlife and Tampa is no exception. If you love a good bar crawl, head over to one of the many Tampa singles hotspots and pull up a stool near the counter. From the world-famous Tampa Riverwalk, to downtown bars and lounges, there are limitless escapades to be had. Some singles bars to keep in mind are the Mandarin Heights, The Patio, the Rox Rooftop, the Bad Monkey, and Hattrick’s. Wherever you choose to go, remember to drink responsibly and be aware of when your beer goggles are on. If you know, you know!

Take a Staycation. It’s easy to feel like a tourist in your own backyard if you don’t get out often enough to enjoy it. Tampa is a beautiful place filled with gorgeous sights and attractions, like the second largest Capitol building in the United States, or the intricately designed Hindu Temple of Florida. Get active, go outside, and do something adventurous! Visit Busch Gardens theme park, or stroll along the gorgeous nature preserves from Weedon Island to John Chestnut and more. Visit one of Tampa’s many unique museums, quirky parks like Dinosaur World, or Carol Baskin’s “Big Cat Rescue” from NETFLIX’s “Tiger King”. And we don’t even need to mention the beautiful Western Gulf Coast beaches with their powdered white sand and clear cyan sea. The only excuse for not making the most of Tampa is not having someone to do it with.

Special Tip – Join a Singles Club Like Events & Adventures

When you’re single, or new to town, or both – it can be incredibly daunting to do any of the activities on this list without a friend or two. People feel safer and more motivated in groups. A friend to take to class, go to a show, grab a drink, or enjoy a staycation with, is an irreplaceable asset that changes the entire experience and adds to the memory. For over 30 years, that’s exactly what Events & Adventures has been providing. We bring single people together from all over the country for big and small activities alike. This month alone, our expert coordinators have vetted over 20 new Tampa singles to join our club, organized over 30 activities for them to enjoy, and will be at each one to ensure that everyone has a blast! And if Tampa singles aren’t the only singles you’re interested in, every club is connected to the next for visitors and even international trips like our recent trip to Peru!

If you’re interested in meeting Tampa singles in an environment you all mutually enjoy, get started with Events & Adventures today! It doesn’t matter if you’re introverted (here’s how to deal with that), recently divorced, or just new to town – E&A is your ticket to maximizing your fun in Tampa.  

How Singles Travel While Making Friends and Memories

travel with the world with events and adventures singles groups

For those who consider themselves an introvert, dating can be a daunting notion. Even those who consider themselves even a little bit shy might wince at the idea of “getting out there.” Establishing connections with new people, in new places, and doing new things over and over until you find someone who “gets” you, can sound just about as joyful as a root canal (the struggle is real). However, dating for introverts doesn’t have to be painful. With a few strategies and the right approach, even the most introverted person can enjoy the dating scene.

How to Make Dating for Introverts Easier

Getting in the right mindset is often the best place to begin. Acknowledging that you will be out of your comfort zone gives you the ability to take the steps needed to make it easier for you. Expect all the usual first date bumps. Awkward silences and bad jokes have happened to all of us! It helps to know that the person on the other side of the conversation is probably feeling the same clumsy-first-date feelings that you are. First dates are don’t have to be uncomfortable – embrace the unknown and you’ll be able to move past it.

Do the prep work. Because it can be emotionally draining to be around new people and be “on” for an extended period of time, take the time before dates or social gatherings to fuel up on some solitude. It also makes sense to schedule some emotional resting time afterward to decompress and recharge. Feed your needs first (and often) and you’ll feel better – physically, mentally, and emotionally – about everything.

Skip the apps. Dating apps are not optimal for introverted people. Dating for introverts is hard enough without the allure of avoiding the entire process and swiping from the comforting solitude of your cozy couch. It’s easy to get sucked into the cycle of spending more time on the app and less time (or even NO time) on actual dates.

What’s an ideal dating environment for introverts? Imagine, if you will, a situation where you can choose what you like to do and know that everyone there will be single and looking to build meaningful connections. That’s where Events & Adventures has the edge over online dating. We realize meeting new people can be intimidating. We create low-pressure environments perfect for connecting and mingling with fresh faces. It takes the intensity out of those first one-on-one dates and puts the fun back in dating for introverts, wallflowers, and bashful folks alike.

Choosing your comfort level is easy with E&A. With up to 30 events each and every month, you can choose from a variety of outings. From intimate, low-key get-togethers to adrenaline-pumping adventures, members have the freedom of choosing what kind of experience they want to enjoy – and meet singles while they are doing it! Easygoing folks will love events like wine tasting, poker night, pottery classes, or events like “snowshoe & fondue” and “kayak the bay.” Once you’ve gotten your feet wet (with snow or water!), you can always check out other thrilling adventures like skydiving, karaoke night, line dancing, or even a polar bear swim! Sneak a peek at some of the events we feature for our members. The choices are endless and the decisions are yours. Go to one event or all of them – the best part? Everyone is single!

Make small talk useful. Every introvert hates the dreaded small talk. The necessary topical banter to welcome real connection doesn’t always have to be so draining. Make it easy on yourself by prepping ahead. Having a mental list of questions that generate easy conversation can lead to more meaningful communication. Using open-ended questions and phrases like “Tell me about…,” often leads to a freer-flowing exchange, and responding with “yes, and” encourages you to expand on your answers.

What brings out your chatty side? Engage in activities that offer easy subject matter, like a comedy show or theater, where you can easily talk about what you saw, or choose events that capitalize on your strengths and give you the confidence to strike up a conversation with someone new. Are you an art enthusiast? Choose the next art museum outing and chatter about your appreciation for post-modernism. Maybe you’re a beer aficionado. A brewhouse visit may be right up your alley. Wherever your interests lie, chances are Events & Adventures has plenty of options to create a relaxed and enjoyable way to meet new singles and take the sting out of dating for introverts.

Show your true self. Although it may seem easier to tattoo “introvert” on your forehead, don’t be afraid to share that you enjoy your quiet time. When the topic of your interests comes up, little hints that you thrive on easy and peaceful activities are helpful. If you reveal yourself fully from the get-go, you waste less of your time (and the other person’s) in the “getting to know you” phase.

Set boundaries for yourself. Don’t overcommit for FOMO (fear of missing out). You’ll get more out of committing to something you’re excited about than merely showing up because you think you’ll regret it later if you don’t. With up to 30 events every month, you have an opportunity every night to do something fun with Events & Adventures, so you can always skip what doesn’t sound like your cup of tea. Did we mention we have tea night?

The dating-for-introverts bottom line: do what works best for you. Put yourself in situations where you can present your most honest self and enjoy doing so. Surround yourself in a dating environment where you can thrive and build real connections. Events & Adventures has been creating fun and engaging ways for singles to meet and have fun for over 30 years. Find out how even the shyest wallflowers can enjoy their best single lives. Jump in on the fun and get started today!

Dating for Introverts 101: Setting Yourself Up for Success

singles group members going paddle boarding

For those who consider themselves an introvert, dating can be a daunting notion. Even those who consider themselves even a little bit shy might wince at the idea of “getting out there.” Establishing connections with new people, in new places, and doing new things over and over until you find someone who “gets” you, can sound just about as joyful as a root canal (the struggle is real). However, dating for introverts doesn’t have to be painful. With a few strategies and the right approach, even the most introverted person can enjoy the dating scene.

How to Make Dating for Introverts Easier

Getting in the right mindset is often the best place to begin. Acknowledging that you will be out of your comfort zone gives you the ability to take the steps needed to make it easier for you. Expect all the usual first date bumps. Awkward silences and bad jokes have happened to all of us! It helps to know that the person on the other side of the conversation is probably feeling the same clumsy-first-date feelings that you are. First dates are don’t have to be uncomfortable – embrace the unknown and you’ll be able to move past it.

Do the prep work. Because it can be emotionally draining to be around new people and be “on” for an extended period of time, take the time before dates or social gatherings to fuel up on some solitude. It also makes sense to schedule some emotional resting time afterward to decompress and recharge. Feed your needs first (and often) and you’ll feel better – physically, mentally, and emotionally – about everything.

Skip the apps. Dating apps are not optimal for introverted people. Dating for introverts is hard enough without the allure of avoiding the entire process and swiping from the comforting solitude of your cozy couch. It’s easy to get sucked into the cycle of spending more time on the app and less time (or even NO time) on actual dates.

What’s an ideal dating environment for introverts? Imagine, if you will, a situation where you can choose what you like to do and know that everyone there will be single and looking to build meaningful connections. That’s where Events & Adventures has the edge over online dating. We realize meeting new people can be intimidating. We create low-pressure environments perfect for connecting and mingling with fresh faces. It takes the intensity out of those first one-on-one dates and puts the fun back in dating for introverts, wallflowers, and bashful folks alike.

Choosing your comfort level is easy with E&A. With up to 30 events each and every month, you can choose from a variety of outings. From intimate, low-key get-togethers to adrenaline-pumping adventures, members have the freedom of choosing what kind of experience they want to enjoy – and meet singles while they are doing it! Easygoing folks will love events like wine tasting, poker night, pottery classes, or events like “snowshoe & fondue” and “kayak the bay.” Once you’ve gotten your feet wet (with snow or water!), you can always check out other thrilling adventures like skydiving, karaoke night, line dancing, or even a polar bear swim! Sneak a peek at some of the events we feature for our members. The choices are endless and the decisions are yours. Go to one event or all of them – the best part? Everyone is single!

Make small talk useful. Every introvert hates the dreaded small talk. The necessary topical banter to welcome real connection doesn’t always have to be so draining. Make it easy on yourself by prepping ahead. Having a mental list of questions that generate easy conversation can lead to more meaningful communication. Using open-ended questions and phrases like “Tell me about…,” often leads to a freer-flowing exchange, and responding with “yes, and” encourages you to expand on your answers.

What brings out your chatty side? Engage in activities that offer easy subject matter, like a comedy show or theater, where you can easily talk about what you saw, or choose events that capitalize on your strengths and give you the confidence to strike up a conversation with someone new. Are you an art enthusiast? Choose the next art museum outing and chatter about your appreciation for post-modernism. Maybe you’re a beer aficionado. A brewhouse visit may be right up your alley. Wherever your interests lie, chances are Events & Adventures has plenty of options to create a relaxed and enjoyable way to meet new singles and take the sting out of dating for introverts.

Show your true self. Although it may seem easier to tattoo “introvert” on your forehead, don’t be afraid to share that you enjoy your quiet time. When the topic of your interests comes up, little hints that you thrive on easy and peaceful activities are helpful. If you reveal yourself fully from the get-go, you waste less of your time (and the other person’s) in the “getting to know you” phase.

Set boundaries for yourself. Don’t overcommit for FOMO (fear of missing out). You’ll get more out of committing to something you’re excited about than merely showing up because you think you’ll regret it later if you don’t. With up to 30 events every month, you have an opportunity every night to do something fun with Events & Adventures, so you can always skip what doesn’t sound like your cup of tea. Did we mention we have tea night?

The dating-for-introverts bottom line: do what works best for you. Put yourself in situations where you can present your most honest self and enjoy doing so. Surround yourself in a dating environment where you can thrive and build real connections. Events & Adventures has been creating fun and engaging ways for singles to meet and have fun for over 30 years. Find out how even the shyest wallflowers can enjoy their best single lives. Jump in on the fun and get started today!

Single & Dating During Covid – A Look Back on 2021

single woman on a trapeze

The age of Covid changed us – and when it came to dating, it changed everything. Solitude changed the way we think about relationships, the way we choose our partners, the kind of qualities we seek in our mates, and how we view ourselves.

Dating Before Covid vs. Dating During Covid

It almost seems like a dream when we look back on how things used to be. The dating scene, for many, involved casual dates, lots of socialization, and random hookups. In early March 2020, we hunkered down at home for weeks (if not months), and had some time to reflect.

Our time in isolation gave us a chance to re-evaluate our lives and do some serious soul searching. We had the time to take a good look at ourselves and decide what we wanted out of our careers, our friendships, our relationships, and our lives. Establishing connections with people became more important. Singles dating during Covid began to think about whether they really liked the other person or if they were just lonely and needed companionship. Playing the field became a health risk and many singles focused more on developing monogamous relationships, after being encouraged to stay inside and alone for weeks or months at a time.

The Evolution of Dating During Covid

As the lockdown continued, video dates became a thing. Getting to know people via video chat was a new way that people established connections and “screened” a potential date. Events & Adventures also saw the needs of cooped-up singles and created easy ways for people to meet during the height of the pandemic. Virtual events like game nights, happy hours, cooking classes, and even health and wellness sessions got people together and created social situations for singles seeking connection. Our virtual event calendar is still being filled with all kinds of fun events created for singles to meet, for those who are still interested in meeting new people in a virtual environment.

Dating App Fatigue

Swiping in your sweatpants became boring after a while and people were eager to get outside again when restrictions lifted. Socially distant dates were the next phase in the new dating-during-Covid regime. Outdoor dates became the norm and meeting up at parks for walks, picnics, and bike rides gave singles a back-to-basics approach to dating.  Meeting people off-line became more exciting and making connections organically felt good.

That’s where Events & Adventures shines. Once outdoor life was in full swing again, our members enjoyed events like hiking, kayaking, and paintball over the summer, while winter activities including ice skating, outdoor picnics, and bonfires are what our members are up to now.

The Great Dating Reset

As the summer of 2021 approached, singles on social media coined the phrase “hot vax summer.” The hashtag implied a resurgence of casual dating with the availability of vaccines offered to the public. However, quite the opposite occurred. Over the course of the past 18 months, priorities had changed. Singles valued close relationships and friendships over a casual fling. The anticipated ‘summer of love’ turned into a more serious intentional dating strategy.

The time that we spent with ourselves allowed us to look inward and we became interested in becoming better versions of ourselves. We evaluated what we really wanted out of life and what resulted was a desire for deeper connections and experiences with a prospective mate, and that’s what Events & Adventures members value most. Offering exciting and engaging experiences that build a real connection and provide an easy, no-pressure environment to meet new people, is the perfect way to make new friends or find new love. Our thrill-seeking members enjoy bucket list adventures like skydiving, trapeze flying, and rock climbing, while low-key folks can relish in theater nights, museums, and resort day trips. No matter what category you fall into, there are plenty of ways to cross items off your bucket list while filling your emotional bucket.

The Covid Conversation

After almost two years into this pandemic, most singles have made up their minds on what their comfort levels are when it comes to dating during Covid. It’s important to communicate your thoughts when you first begin chatting with someone new. Be clear on what you are comfortable with (and what you’re not) and make conscious decisions that are in line with your values.

Keep It Stress-Free

Above all, have fun! Do what is right for you and venture into activities that bring you joy as well as provide you with the peace of mind you need whilst navigating the dating landscape. Changing your mindset can make all the difference. When you approach the idea of your single life more as “meeting new people” than “dating,” it can make the experience less stressful. That’s what Events & Adventures is all about. We make things easy and provide fun experiences where it’s easy to relax and connect with someone new.

For over 30 years, Events & Adventures has provided singles with fun and exciting ways to live their best lives. Our members enjoy events every night of the month and meet new people doing things they love to do – or have always wanted to do! Find out how Events & Adventures puts a new twist on dating the old-fashioned way. Get started with us today!

A Guide to Dating After Divorce: The Do’s and the Don’ts

singles club members posing for the camera

Even after the most amicable of divorces, the notion of dating can be downright scary. Some people may be eager to get back into the dating scene, while others may need a slow roll into the idea of even meeting new people. When you’re ready to start dating after a divorce, here’s a list of Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind as you begin your next journey. 

DO: “Ask Am I Ready?” 

Everyone has their own timeline for healing after a divorce, and those who don’t re-evaluate their previous relationships may risk repeating the same mistakes. Be sure to take enough time to grieve the loss of your marriage and understand your part in what happened in the relationship. It’s best to wait until you have legally filed for divorce before you enter a new relationship or begin dating so you can be honest about where you are in the process with anyone new. It also helps to decide what you want out of the experience and to know if you want to begin dating for the right reasons. When you are truly ready to make the jump into the dating pool, you’ll feel good about your answers and know they are true to your feelings. 

DO: Set Realistic Expectations

Whether it’s been two years or 20 years since you last dated someone, chances are that times have changed. It’s important to understand that you won’t find the next Mr. or Mrs. Right on the first few dates. It may help to think of dating as an interview process. There will be lots of candidates and you don’t have to feel bad about moving on if any one person doesn’t fit the job. Open yourself to new kinds of people. What you felt was your “type” in the past may have evolved, so don’t be afraid to meet someone who may not fit that exact mold. 

DO: Know What You Want

A mental (or written) checklist is a great tool to determine what you seek in a new partner. With lessons learned from your previous relationship(s), you will recognize a deal-breaker and know what you are willing to compromise on. Are you looking to date casually or exclusively? Are you open to having a relationship with someone who has children? How do you like to communicate in a relationship? Additionally, knowing the kind of qualities you want in a potential partner can make the “interview” process easier while avoiding the pitfalls of “settling for less.” 

DON’T Rush In. Take it Slow.

Easing into the dating scene may be the best option after a divorce or separation. Enjoy talking on the phone first to get to know someone. Making a real connection involves a time investment, and a slow burn is often better than a rebound or a quick burnout. It’s normal to experience a whirlwind of emotions during the initial plunge into dating, and it’s important to process those feelings without the pressure of an intense, new romantic relationship.

DO: Enjoy Your Hobbies and Find New Ones

Here’s the fun part: JUST. HAVE. FUN. The best way to fully reveal yourself to someone new is to get back to who you are and what you love to do. What brings you joy? What do you love to do? What have you always wanted to try? Events & Adventures is a great place to start. Take a look at one of our event calendars. Each month is filled with nearly 30 different events – and the best part is that everyone is single! Whether you enjoy laid-back activities or you seek thrilling adventure, we’ve got you covered. From wine tasting and billiard nights to line dancing and laser tag, you choose the mood, and we’ve got an outing for you to match. 

Our members appreciate how easy and natural it is to meet like-minded singles. It’s especially helpful to busy professionals, those new to the dating scene, and people new to town. The fringe benefits also include building new friendships and constructing a “dating village,” on whom you can rely upon for support. 

DON’T Trash Your Ex. 

Once you begin meeting new people, always be forthcoming about your past, values, and boundaries. If you decide to talk about your previous relationship, do so in a fair and balanced manner and be sure to talk about how you’ve learned from those experiences. A healthy relationship begins as an honest relationship and completely sharing yourself with others cannot come without revealing yourself, scars and all. 

DO: Talk to Your Kids at The Right Time

If you have children, dating after divorce can get even more complicated. Once again, honesty is the best policy. Be upfront about your need to build connections – but communicate these needs at the appropriate time. Once you have met someone you are serious about, be open with your kids and give them space to have feelings about it. They will have questions and fears – and your job is to answer them honestly and ease their worry. 

DO: Trust Yourself

Your instincts will always be your guide. If you’re not “feeling it,” or something seems “off,” chances are you’re right. If anyone seems “too perfect,” or you see any red flags, DON’T ignore that gut feeling. Your intuition is usually right on the money. If you decide to use online dating apps, stay vigilant of any scams or catfishing. Feel good about what your conscience is telling you, and if you need to move on, do it kindly and with confidence in yourself.

Events & Adventures has provided a fun, easy, and stress-free way for singles to meet for over 30 years. Get to know people just like you by doing things you love to do – or the things you’ve always wanted to do. There’s life beyond divorce – go live it. Get started today with Events & Adventures.