The Singles Social Club Blog | Events and Adventures

Fall into Fun with Autumn Outdoor Activities for Singles

When the weekend arrives, it can feel like a chore trying to figure out what to do, especially when you’re unattached. The beautiful fall weather is begging you to come out and play, but the idea of entering unchartered territory on your own may seem a bit intimidating. That’s where Events & Adventures excels. As the expert event planners for singles, it’s our mission to select the most engaging and fun things to do in a no-pressure, relaxed environment. From campfires to rodeos and everything in between, it’s clear why we’ve seen so many folks enjoying their best single life. So, grab your pumpkin spiced latte and let’s explore all the outdoor activities for singles that Events & Adventures has to offer this fall.  

More Than Outdoor Activities for Singles…Outdoor Adventures! 

Now that the weather is cooling off, it’s a perfect opportunity to explore more of the great outdoors. Hiking provides great exercise while providing the perfect opportunity to chat with new friends. After a long hike, our members often enjoy a frosty beverage at a local brewery or coffee house to keep the fun going, long after the scheduled event is over. 

A favorite childhood activity can turn into adult amusement with a few new singles to enjoy it with. Pumpkin carving, hayrides, and corn mazes are just some fall outdoor activities we offer that make you feel like a kid again. Add in some friendly faces and making new connections is easy and fun! 

Halloween parties are a blast with our members! Costumes always give us a little extra confidence to let out our flirty sides, and there’s no better way to spark up a conversation than with a silly getup. With one look at some of the hilarious memories from our Phoenix and South Florida Halloween parties,  you’ll want to join in on the fun! 

If you’re the athletic type, the crisp autumn weather is ideal for outdoor activities like flag football or paintball, and a little friendly competition is a great way to build rapport. If not, then a football watch party may be more your style. Perhaps you’d be more inclined to strap on some ammo and hit the field for some fun zombie hunting. Whether it’s glow-in-the-dark golf, rock climbing, zip-lining, or Segway tours, Events & Adventures provides all the fun – all you need to do is join us! Our get-togethers never disappoint. It’s our job to show you the best time while providing enjoyable opportunities to make new friends and new connections. 

For more intimate gatherings, we provide the wallflower with plenty of chances to warm up to new people. Events & Adventures isn’t just for thrill-seekers – our events can take on an easy vibe, with book clubs, trivia nights, art museum trips, bike rides, and more. Oftentimes, these small group settings offer the right ambiance to get to know someone in a relaxed, comfortable environment. 

Every month is filled with plenty of different options to suit your personality or mood. Feeling funky? Hit club night. Want to sit back and chill? Maybe brunch is more your style. Whatever you’re into, there’s a good chance that we have an outing that’s right up your alley. Our mix of event offerings provides the right balance of fun and easy ways to build friendships or even create sparks with someone new. 

Go Beyond the Outdoors – Go Abroad!

If you’re looking for even more adventure, come see the world with us! Our singles explore the globe and enjoy exotic destinations with a great group of like-minded friends. The best part? Everyone is single! There are no kids on our trips – just a great time and plenty of opportunities to have new experiences with singles like you. From the Florida Keys to Fiji and Costa Rica to China, Events & Adventures provides exciting travel excursions that you may otherwise never experience on your own. Check out the amazing photos from our most recent trip to Kenya and you’ll see how our singles cross off many of their bucket list items, just by being a member!

An Exciting Dating Experience Beyond the Apps

When it comes to modern dating, it can feel like a chore. Who wants to sit and swipe through a sea of faces all day long? Our gatherings provide real-life opportunities to make actual connections with people who are looking for the same things – an exciting, fun life with the possibility of love! Because we are the experts in fun and know what the ultimate goal is (love) – our hosts curate events that bring out the best side of you while maintaining a comfortable way to connect and create friendships. Ask any of our members and they’ll tell you – Events & Adventures puts dating apps to shame. They’ve never had a better time in their single lives! 

For over 30 years, Events & Adventures has been offering singles the most entertaining and exciting way to meet new people. If you’re ready to live your best single life, get started with Events & Adventures today. 

What to do with friends tonight? Events & Adventures already has your plans made!

singles travel group in Montana machupicchu

As each weekend approaches, it’s easy to get stuck in the same old rut with the same old crew of friends. Bar, movie, restaurant, repeat. There’s got to be more than just the same old routine for meeting new people. You know there’s more to do locally, but where do you look to find new fun things to do? If you’re looking for what to do with friends in your area, Events & Adventures is the perfect solution – especially if you’re single and wish to make new friends.

Perhaps it’s time to venture beyond the ordinary. If you’re stuck on what to do with friends, Events & Adventures has plenty to keep you active and social in your city. More than just weekend outings, there’s something to do virtually every night of the week!  For over 30 years, Events & Adventures has been a fantastic way for singles to enjoy new experiences that they wouldn’t otherwise engage in. Add in the possibility of finding new love and you have the best of both worlds! 

Beyond the Bar

When it comes to fun, we are the experts. With so many other ways to find love than at the bar, each month is jam-packed with exciting and engaging group activities for singles that are the perfect backdrop to meeting up with friends or meeting new ones. Game night? Check. Wine tasting? Check. Poker night? Cooking night? Scavenger hunt? Check, check, check. With events almost every day, you have lots of options to choose from, along with an opportunity to find a new love interest. 

Unlock The Secrets in Your City

Whether you’re new in town and want to get to know all the local hot spots or a seasoned resident looking for more interesting things to do, Events & Adventures takes a deep dive and uncovers the local hidden gems. The best part? Everyone is there for the same reason – to meet new people and enjoy local events with other singles. The next time you are looking for what to do with friends, take a look at a sample social calendar to see all the fun our members have, then join in on the good times!

Stay Active

When it comes to organizing an outing with friends, everyone has a different sense of adventure. If you’re into skydiving, but your friends aren’t, you’re not likely to take the plunge. Don’t let that hold you back from getting your adrenaline fix. The beauty of Events & Adventures is that our event calendar is chock full of activities that keep you active while making new connections. From skydiving and kayaking to line dancing, Jiu-Jitsu and so much more, you’ll have your choice of high-energy experiences to keep your blood pumping. You can even enjoy a little friendly competition with beach volleyball or paintball! It’s the perfect solution to trying new exciting things while having a built-in group of friends to do them with.

Travel the World

If you’ve ever daydreamed about visiting exotic destinations but struggled to get buy-ins from your friends, you may have hesitated exploring the world alone. Nothing is more challenging than trying to organize a trip with several people with different opinions on where to go, how to travel, and what to do with friends. That’s what makes Events & Adventures so great! Our hosts handle all the details and have the best resources to plan a fabulous travel adventure that you’ll talk about for years to come. Take a look at all the places that our globe-trotting singles have enjoyed. From the Florida Keys to Fiji, there’s always a getaway planned for singles who are eager to make new friends and travel the world. 

Nourish Your Soul

It may sound like all fun and games (and it can be!), but our events also serve your local community. Nothing feels quite as good as paying it forward, and there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer with other singles who love to give back at Events & Adventures. Our members volunteer at local food banks, charities, and park cleanups, to name just a few. Once you experience all the ‘feels’ of doing good, you’ll want to join our members in every single one! 

Enjoy a Life Well Lived

The best way to enjoy life is to have new experiences. At Events & Adventures, we host the most exciting and entertaining experiences for our members, while creating an intimate atmosphere conducive to making new connections. Our members benefit from our vast event resources and enjoy the very best of what the city (and world!) has to offer. Join in on the fun and you may even find love along the way

A New Way to Meet New People and Have Fun – Yes Please!

Events and Adventures single club members out camping

Step away from the dating app and meet new people in real life!

When it comes to dating, apps have become the norm. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. A sea of faces, exaggerated profiles, and awkward messaging – the routine has become monotonous, and singles everywhere are eager to get out and enjoy life again, rather than sit at home another night staring at a screen.  

Meeting new people the traditional way – at bars, clubs and social gatherings – may be out of one’s comfort zone, especially when you’re flying solo. Events & Adventures takes the uneasiness out of the equation and has been creating opportunities for finding love for over three decades. Summer is here and what better way to enjoy it than with new and fun experiences, all while possibly finding someone to date?

Just dive in. The water’s fine!

With more events and fewer restrictions, singles are excited to get back to the activities they enjoyed before the pandemic. Outdoor theater, beach parties, watersports, and movie nights are all things that bring people together and provide the perfect opportunity to create a spark with someone new. Even a trip to the farmer’s market can be a way to strike up a conversation in a casual way with someone who’s caught your eye. Thanks to Events & Adventures, singles get access to all kinds of new experiences and fun ways to meet new people in a friendly, laid-back atmosphere – without all the pressure of a blind internet date.

Cross off that bucket list item.

Perhaps you’ve often thought of going white-water rafting, skydiving, wakeboarding, or even line dancing, but never had the chance or felt uncomfortable going it alone. Living life to the fullest is all about taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone. Luckily, there are so many people just like you who are looking for other singles to enjoy life with – and many of them are members of Events & Adventures. The members who attend our hosted gatherings have so many options. From hiking to baseball games and karaoke to bar crawls, our calendars are filled with over 30 different ways each month to connect with other singles and explore what your city – and the world –has to offer.

Meet new people – No wingman/wingwoman necessary!

When you’re unattached, your single friends often make up your social circle. It may take some of us the safety net of a friend with us to enter new dating territory. Who is free this weekend? Who wants to hit the bar? Or head downtown? Who wants to lay low? Who already has a date? When you rely only on your single friends to make plans to meet new people, it can put a damper on your dating life. Maybe all your friends are already married and don’t have much time to go out anymore. That’s where Events & Adventures makes it SO easy. Every event has a host who welcomes new members to the group and creates an atmosphere that is conducive to friendly conversation and easy mingling. Our hosts strive to provide an experience that creates connections and plants the seeds for new relationships.

A Safe Bet for Dating

One of the biggest online dating concerns among singles is the authenticity of the person behind the profile. So often we hear stories about dates who don’t show up, are misleading about their relationship status, or just disappear (or ghost). Although it may seem like the reality of dating in the digital age, it certainly doesn’t have to be. Herein lies the beauty behind Events & Adventures.

Each member we welcome at Events & Adventures is screened and background checked. The safety of our members is of the utmost priority and our mission is to provide amazing experiences to meet new people in a secure environment. There’s never a need to worry if the person you’re chatting with isn’t who they say they are because they always will be. It’s the best way to discover new friendships and kindle a new romance without the risks – and all the rewards.

It’s true that the single life can be stressful, especially when you get caught up in the dating pitfalls. Why not try something new and meet new people with Events & Adventures?

If you’re ready to meet someone special while living your best life, sign up and join our members today.

Singles on first Date

First Date Tips For Singles

Need a kick to your dating life?

We thought so! What better way to re-ignite that fire than to brush up on some first date tips from the people who do this for a living?

Events & Adventures has been helping relationships blossom for over 30 years. You’d be amazed at how easy it is to create a spark just by putting singles together in activities they all enjoy. However, dating is not always an exact science, and there is no magic formula. The recent COVID-19 uncertainty has also put a damper on romance, forcing all of us to reconsider how we approach relationships. But the good news is, the world is slowly returning to normal and summer romances are just on the horizon!

Here are 10 first date tips to bring with you into your summer dating scene, whether you are in a group setting or having one-on-one time with someone special.

Be Confident & Friendly

No one likes a big ego, but confidence is very attractive! Group events may seem intimidating; however, it’s quite simple! Just introduce yourself! In this setting, it’s completely normal, even encouraged, to just approach people and start conversations. Share something about yourself and ask others to do the same. A friendly attitude and a willingness to get to know others show confidence and good spirits.

Keep Conversation Light

Some people have a tendency to overshare. Keep the conversation to what’s going on around you. Luckily, at Events & Adventures, you’ll have plenty to discuss whether you’re sight-seeing on a kayaking trip or taking in the nature during a hike. Try to avoid any “ex” topics. A relationship doesn’t seem appealing if the other person is still holding on to the old one.  Leave the resentments in the past and work on something new with the singles you’re meeting now.

Choose Common Ground

Found someone you’re interested in? Try inviting them to an off-site date where you can have some alone time. The first date should always be somewhere you both feel comfortable. Usually, a public setting, like a coffee shop, restaurant, or other fun outing is best practice. You can even leave the intimate dinner date for later, and choose a more interesting outing like a trip to the aquarium. You should have a pretty solid understanding of what your dates interests are, based on where you meet them at Events &Adventures!

The Dreaded Check

WHO PAYS?? A contentious topic, but a necessary one. Traditionally, the man pays. However, ladies, come prepared to split the check just in case. Gentlemen, if you’d like to impress your date, you should pay.

Turn Off Your Phone

This is a no-brainer! If you can’t leave business to rest for an hour or two, wait until you have a day where you can. Should an emergency arise, excuse yourself, and be brief. Don’t let anything take your attention from your date.

Don’t Default to the Bar

This is an easy mistake to make. Of course, drinks might seem like a casual choice with easy conversation, but it shows no effort on your part. Drinks often lead to both parties not being their true self, and can even turn sloppy if you’re not careful. If you’re really trying to get to know someone, a crowded bar is not the place. Events & Adventures has a ton of activities outside the bar scene that will spark your next first date idea.

Don’t “Play It Cool”

One of the most important first date tips is to try to be authentic! Acting like you don’t care isn’t cool, it actually makes your date feel insecure and uncomfortable. If you’re interested, then show that interest by asking your date about themselves, paying attention, and actively responding in the conversation.

Avoid Trigger Topics

There’s a time and place to discuss politics and a first date is not it! Even if you think the other person may potentially have similar views or they voice agreement, just steer the conversation into somewhere else. This can lead an uncomfortable situation or even an argument. Same goes for hot topics like religion, sex, or anything too controversial. The first date is for fun conversation and lighthearted laughs, not political views.

Asking for a Second Date

This one can be tough to navigate but try to keep it simple. As a rule of thumb, wait to ask for a second date until after your first date has already ended and the person has gone home. Express that you had a great time, and let them know you’ll be in touch. Asking during the date can make things slightly uncomfortable, especially if you’re judging the date incorrectly. Wait until you and the date have had time to think over the night and reach out to them the next day if you are too excited to wait!

Don’t Give Up

One bad date is not a good reason to get down on yourself or to give up the dating scene altogether. There is someone out there for everyone, and sitting in your house won’t get you any closer to meeting them. Events & Adventures will help you meet eligible singles just doing things you love. So, you don’t have to crawl the bars or swipe aimlessly through profiles. Just go do what you love, and meet other singles who love those things too!

If you’re ready to live life more and put some of these first date tips into action, sign up for a membership today.

singles meeting online

Social Distancing Doesn’t Mean Loneliness

Single and Stressed?

Social Distancing doesn’t mean loneliness! There’s a lot of chaos in the world right now, and it can make the idea of meeting new people seem daunting or downright scary. What are singles going to do when it comes to dating during the Coronavirus threat and social distancing warnings? It doesn’t have to be intimidating!  Make the most of the single life by joining Events & Adventures.  Meet people naturally and safely with the nation’s largest social club for singles.

During these difficult times, it’s more important than ever to know who you’re with.  We take all the necessary precautions, make all the plans, and let you focus on just having fun with other singles like you!  At Events & Adventures, there’s something for everyone, from safe, small group activities to online events like trivia contests and happy hour.  There’s no swiping, no profiles, no pressure, and no awkward first dates.  Meet singles just doing things you already love to do!


Our Events

For over 30 years, Events & Adventures has been connecting like-minded singles through great, pre-planned events.  Our members have built lasting relationships and lifelong friendships while both, trying new things in town, as well as traveling across the globe.  Today’s trying circumstances won’t last forever, and when they’re behind us we’ll be ready to resume our international travel, from Australia to Antarctica and beyond.  Whether in safe, small group events or on exciting outdoors adventures, our members meet other singles and make new friends.  You never know, you might even make that special connection you’ve been looking for.

From unique online events to local adventures to world travel, you’ll have over 30 great activities to choose from every month. Have fun with like-minded singles in a pressure-free environment where you can be yourself.  It’s not a dating app or a dating service, and all of our members are pre-screened. Practice social distancing and still have fun! Trust us, you’re gonna wish you did this sooner!


Your Safety Is Our Priority | Social Distancing

We continue to make your health and safety a top priority and have made several adjustments to our calendars to support the global efforts being put in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.  For the time being, our group activities are only 6 to 12 people, making it easy to make meaningful relationships in intimate settings.  These will open up to bigger gatherings once it’s again safe to do so. There are also outdoor activities that will keep our members out of confined spaces, while keeping in line with social distancing warnings.

Many events have even been moved online in order to keep our trivia contests, comedy nights, and happy hours on schedule! In addition, when it comes to public events, we always get our own section! Sometimes it pays off to be part of an exclusive club!  And as always, all our members have passed a full background check, so you never have to guess or worry.

In short, there’s never been a better time to meet that someone special, and you don’t have to stay stuck in the house.  If you’re ready for your next adventure, and to make the most of the single life, join the nation’s largest social club, Events & Adventures today.


Ready to get MORE out of life? Just visit

Dating Apps sharing Personal Information?

Are Dating Apps Sharing Your Personal Information?

Are dating apps sharing your personal information?
It seems like almost every day we learn of another report on the news where a large company has been hacked, or maybe even intentionally, releases information. What does this mean though? Is it really applicable to us? The answer—ABSOLUTELY!

Information is one of the most coveted assets for online scammers–especially when it comes to your personal information. From dating to banking, we do it all online, automatically assuming these apps and services have the necessary protections in place to keep our information safe. However, dating services in particular have long been held up to scrutiny regarding the effectiveness of their security for their love-seeking members.

What’s Happening?
The most notable, and maybe most morally questionable, breach occurred with Ashley Madison in 2016. The dating site, which promotes discreet affairs for married individuals, uses the slogan, “Life is Short. Have an Affair.” to attract potential members. In 2016, the most popular dating site you’ve never heard of leaked information about 37 million of its members. Not so discreet!

Many dating apps and websites have since followed suit, with evidence of major security flaws, full breaches, and worst of all, intentional sharing of information. The sidestep shuffle around US and international security laws has allowed some sites to release private information such as location data, employment information, sexual preference/orientation data, personal details, phone numbers, and more. Not only does this expose us to potential financial security threats, but to a full range of interpersonal issues such as identity theft or harassment. For example, how comfortable would you be with your dating profile showing up in a potential employer’s search? Or if your neighbor could look up your sexual orientation? By nature, these sites host a variety of private details that may not be as protected as we are sometimes led to believe.

Meet People Naturally
There are more natural ways of dating that do not have to involve profiles, endless swiping, and potential exposure of your private information. Events & Adventures lets you put the phone down and truly meet people face-to-face, without the usual discomfort of first dates. A membership with Events & Adventures allows you to choose your favorite activities from over 30 dynamic events per month, and the best part is, everyone there will be single! It is the nation’s largest social club for singles where the only information shared is the kind whispered over wine at dinner, or yelled from the tops of your favorite mountain trails. With so many activities, everyone can find something they love to do, without the pressure of making a connection. It’s about making genuine connections and friendships, and learning to just have fun!

You could take the time to hack-proof your profiles or look into privacy agreements, or you could come to Events & Adventures, where none of that stuff matters. Besides, chances are you’ll find someone here who will spark your interest enough to delete all the useless apps. Break up with online dating and visit us at

Cirque du Soleil “Amaluna”

Cirque du Soleil Amaluna

It’s time for a moment of truth. While I know that there are many fans and it is generally loved, I’m not a lover of Cirque.  The production values are great and the music always fun and wonderful, but it’s never thrilled me. Thankfully, I was able to see it through E&A eyes last Wednesday.

I booked the great rate through Cirque months ahead of time, and was able to even get a special deal for food, drinks, and a CD soundtrack souvenir of a previous Cirque show.  What made it “over the top” for me wasn’t the incredible feats of gymnastics (although the balancing act was truly elegant and exciting)  or the incredible costumes (someone please make me the lizard tail costume!) but the excitement and wonderful from the E&A peeps. Most were cold before entering the tent but the childlike anticipation in the group trumped any concerns over the weather.

I arrived to my seat late, and enjoyed the first half, but was surprised by the uncontrollable gasps and cheers from the great people around me.  I asked Jeff about what he thought.  He turned to me, jaw still gaping in wonder, and told me that this was his first show and that he hadn’t even heard of Cirque before E&A. “I never knew such things were even possible.” He said.  Whether or not it was their first visit, the smiles, energy, and pep in everyone’s step showed that everyone had a great time.  “How did you enjoy it?” someone asked me. “It was a great time.  Will be glad to do Cirque with you all again soon.”

Bryan Event Manager San Francisco

Events and Adventures Thailand Trip 2019

Thailand Trip Q&A

This February, Events & Adventures ventured out on a 14-day international trip to the exotic paradise of Thailand. What better way to learn about this amazing trip than hearing from the people that got to go on the adventure themselves?

We had a super fun Q & A with two of our members that joined Events & Adventures on our exciting Thailand trip: Rachel Wolfson from our Chicago Club and Susan Euing from our San Francisco Club. Here’s what they had to say about their time abroad with Events & Adventures:

Q: Have you ever been abroad before this trip?

R: Yes, but not with Events & Adventures. This was a first.

S: Yes, many times, but this was my first time with Events & Adventures.


Q: What was your favorite part of traveling with Events & Adventures?

R: My favorite part was meeting the different people from the other Events & Adventures locations and learning about Thailand from Natalie (our tour guide). It was fantastic exploring somewhere I had never been before.

S: The trip itinerary and it was a really great price!


Q: Out of all of the excursions you went on while in Thailand, which was your favorite and why?

R: I loved the floating river lodge. You got to be away from the rest of the world, no electricity, very peaceful while hearing the water underneath and relaxing overall. Also, we got to meet our first elephant, Wandi!

S: Personally, my favorite was the Hmong village. It was filled with very interesting people and culture.


Q: What was something unexpected that happened on the trip that left you pleasantly surprised?

R: When we got to play with baby tigers- they were so cute and surprisingly big at a month and a half old. I couldn’t believe the size of their paws at that age!

S: I had a wonderful and very compatible roommate. We are keeping up our new friendship even though we live two states away.


Q: Did you come back with any fun souvenirs?

R: A photo with frame (made out of recycled elephant dung) of one of my best friends from E&A and myself riding on U2, the elephant. We had lots of laughs on her and another elephant, as well as along the trip! Lots of great memories!

S: I bought a pig made out of rope for the year of the pig!


Q: If you could give someone going on Events & Adventures’s next Thailand trip a tip, what would it be?

R: Don’t be afraid to try something you’ve never done before. And make sure you bring comfortable walking shoes; there are lots of stairs! Try sitting with someone new each time you are sitting on the way to one of the spots you are going to explore so you can get to know them! you never know what type of similarities you might have!

S: Bring more dressy clothes than  you think you’ll need and get a full-body Thai massage!


Susan and Rachel’s amazing memories prove you can create lasting bonds while traveling the world with Events & Adventures. We can hardly wait for our next journey to a faraway land!

What exhilarating vacation will you be joining us on? Will you be floating down the Amazon River with us in August or staying stateside in NYC during the Holiday Season in November?

The number one requirement to come along? Join Events & Adventures! When you do, you get to live a life you love!

AI and the Dating App

Artificial Intelligence Is Entering the Dating Scene

Over the last couple of years, Artificial Intelligence has started to appear in the dating app scene. With these new and “improved” apps, gone are the days of swiping. Now, data mining is the way of online dating future.

What are these Apps and What Do They Do?

The most prominent AI app stateside was created by Denver native, Kevin Teman. In an article published by 303 Magazine on April 4, Teman explains how his dating app hybrid works. His app, AIMM, is essentially Siri meets matchmaker. The app launched back in 2017 and has taken all of the techniques of dating apps, matchmakers, speed dating, and dating services to create a dating service hybrid.

Again, you talk to this app like you talk to Siri, answering questions like, “Tell me an embarrassing story about your childhood” then the app will analyze your answers, sort them into different personality categories, and introduce you to people on its own accord. It takes roughly a week for the app to “get to know you” if you use it for five to ten minutes a day.

So essentially, you’re dating a robot for a week so you can find a person you might have a connection with.

According to Mashable’s article, “What Will Online Dating Look Like in 2030?,” across the pond in the UK, Loveflutter, is their AI dating app equivalent. This app matches people based on personality traits it decodes from each person’s tweets. The founders also plan to use AI to coach Loveflutter users on where to meet offline after analyzing their chats with matches.

In the future, these apps may dive even deeper into our phone data and start using information like if you pay your bills on time (or at all), what websites you visit (or shows you binge watch), your camera roll, and how much you exercise (thanks FitBit.)

Is This Too Good to Be True? (Most Definitely)

At first, this shiny new approach to modern dating looks pretty nice. Why wouldn’t we want help weeding out people we probably won’t have compatibility with? And we can do it from the comfort of our couches? Win-win.

However, when you take off the cupid-inspired rose colored glasses of technology-fueled romance, you’ll realize that the founders of these apps don’t have an end goal of people’s happiness; they want people to use their services, not leave them.

As Jean Meyer, the founder and CEO of European dating app Once said in Mashable’s article,

 “The dating industry has zero incentive to create this perfect matching algorithm […] The optimum for a dating service is to show you profiles of people that might be good enough, but not perfection. People who you go on dates with, and then after two, three dates you realize it won’t work out and you go back to the app.”

In the long run, these developments in technologically-fueled dating services will result in more disappointment and discouragement for their users than anything else. Why not spend your time investing in your life and happiness than using newer and nicer apps that are being programmed to sabotage the fulfilling experience of finding meaningful relationships?

Events & Adventures is the Best Alternative to AI

Events & Adventures uses the greatest strategy of all to introduce people. It creates daily opportunities for you to meet actual people (yes, humans) while doing fun and interesting activities. You develop friendships and lasting relationships by getting to know people that want to take a step back from their phones and enjoy their lives.

Do you want to know what’s even better about Events & Adventures? If you meet someone, we consider that a success story, not a loss. We’ve done our job if you find someone special. What makes a better story anyways, meeting your person while jumping out of a plane or while staring at your phone screen? It’s time to cut out the electronic middleman and live a life you love with Events & Adventures.

Dating App Experiment

The Dating App Experiment

The Dating App Experiment

As a single staff member of one of the Events & Adventures clubhouses, I decided to do a bit of an experiment with myself. Like a lot of people, I’m a dating app user; as a person dating in the 21st century it often feels like there aren’t many other options. As a simultaneous member of Events & Adventures, I started to compare and contrast my experiences with my online relationships and the ones I was seeing develop at Events & Adventures.

I’ve been on the classic apps like Tinder and Bumble and have tried some of the more obscure apps like Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel. They each have different layouts and specialties that make them seem like lights at the end of a tunnel filled with fellow singles. In the end, each app seems to turn out to have a similar end: possible dates and little connection.


The Findings

Dating apps turned the very real and emotional experience of dating into a very numb and robotic game. I’ve found myself mindlessly swiping through people without even looking at them. The sensation of matching with someone seems to create more of an endorphin boost than an actual opportunity for a true connection.

I’ll never forget when I matched with a guy and mentioned meeting up for dinner with him pretty quickly, trying to bypass the small talk and make something out of a match that seemed promising. He agreed, we set a time and location. The next morning, he was gone. He deleted our match and seeing as that was the only form of contact I had with him, there was no way of getting in touch to see what happened.

The experience stung, but a part of me accepted it because we hadn’t even met. How could I hold this guy accountable when he was only a picture on a screen?

I’ve gone on my fair share of actual dates through these apps too. I’ve even been in short-term relationships with some of the men I’ve meet. The large majority of the time the connection I thought I had with these guys online didn’t come through in person. If we did actually have something in common, there seemed to be a pressure to put a definition on whatever we had right away, which ended up scaring one of us away. When you make dating the primary focus of any activity, there’s an expectation of trust and vulnerability almost instantly. How can you put that kind of pressure on someone you barely know?

Having heard friends express similar frustrations, I know I’m not alone in my dating app woes. I even hear us wondering aloud if there is something wrong with us because of our lack of success.


The Solution

Having experienced Events & Adventures for the last six months, I honestly believe it’s not us but the online dating system that’s to blame. Unlike the forced nature of online dating, Events & Adventures creates an organic environment for members to have fun being themselves.

Are you filled with random facts or a board game connoisseur? You can guarantee there’s a trivia or game night coming up with Events & Adventures. More of a sports fan? Every club has at least one viewing party or pickup game on the books. Are you a whitewater rafting, bungee jumping, or adrenaline junkie—or do you want to be? Events & Adventures has you covered there, too.

And the best part? Other people are doing all of these things with you. You’ll be able to build connections with people that have similar interests and have the opportunity to see these same people on a weekly, or even daily basis, without having to plan the get togethers yourself.

All of the romantic relationships I’ve seen develop between Events & Adventures members have come out of the weeks and months they have spent together at Events & Adventures events. When people have the chance to develop friendships, those friendships turn into trust, and that trust can very easily blossom into something more substantial like commitment and love.

Our members have the chance to cultivate relationships with each other without having to worry about defining their experiences, romantic or otherwise, because that’s not what Events & Adventures is about. Our goal is to help people live a life they love, and that definition is different for everyone.

As a self-proclaimed wallflower, I’ve really had the chance to soak up all of the wonderful benefits Events & Adventures provides its members. In a world so fueled by instant gratification, Events & Adventures slows things down and gives its members the change to enjoy their lives with friends, new and old. So why keep staring at a dating app filled with what-ifs and maybes and come have some promised fun with Events and Adventures? You never know where it might lead until you give it a try!