Tag Archives: singles

Awesome Saturday!

An absolutely awesome day of events we had on Saturday! To start a beautiful walk to Rice Lake in North Vancouver – a little cloudy but not too much rain.  We were given some background information on the great things that BC fisheries are doing to help increase interest in fishing and also how they are helping endangered species and preventing invasive species from our freshwater lakes and rivers!!  We were a little cold, but seeing a fish caught made everyone realize why we were there for!!  Nothing like being out in the elements with great friends and scenery.  Off to a nearby pub to warm up, and then a few of us were off to the next event.

Our beloved Canucks lost horribly to the Kings but this didn’t dampen spirits either.  Lots of ideas were collected and events for the upcoming season were discussed as we watched the game and had our monthly Member’s meeting!  We had great food and stayed passed the loss to continue building friendship and enjoy each other’s company.

Ambrea Event Manager Vancouver

More & More New Members!

 The new members icebreaker was a blast. It was great meeting so many new people! We learned lots about each other by throwing the ice breaker ball around… Everyone found out about George’s giant family, 12 brothers & sisters! Great tips were given to all the newbies from our amazing host Robert. And afterwards we all went bowling and hung out with members old & new. It was a fun night had by all!

Julie Event Manager Santa Clara

Every wonder what it would be like to be up on the Big Stage?

I have been to shows at the Paramount Theater in Seattle and wondered what it would be like to look out from the stage into that huge theater. I’m guessing that like me most of you have never been up on that big of a stage, let alone back stage or in the dressing rooms. Well last weekend that’s just what we did. We took a tour of the Paramount and went through what seemed like every inch. Back stage, on stage, dressing rooms, high above the stage and maybe a few extra spots folks don’t normally get tours in. It was fun to see where the stars I have seen perform have walked around and hung out before and after their performance.

Also this weekend we hiked up Lime Kilm trail. We definitely lucked out on the weather. While the weekend was not always great weather wise it was nice for us. The trail takes you through what was an old mining town (I know it sounds like Scooby Doo adventure) The town is long gone but there still is bits and old parts here and there if you look for it and that was really enjoyable. I’m very glad our club hikes all year round.

Curtis Event Manager Seattle

The Oakland Parkway….More Than Just A Movie House!

Walking with the manager of the Oakland Parkway last Wednesday into the black box theater turned movie house, I looked for the best places to reserve for our E&A group.  Plenty of  clean dining room tables and some chairs underneath the balcony.  Balcony?  What’s up there?  Wow.  Couches.  All kinds of couches and cushioned chairs each with perfect views of the screen.  That’s it.  Back downstairs to meet the others.  

The Oakland Parkway is more than just a movie house.  In addition to the variety of films including two documentaries, a Hollywood blockbuster, and a foreign film, they have a full kitchen , weekly specials, beers on tap, and they serve it to you at the above mentioned couches.  Feeling adventurous?  Go for the secret dish, which is different with every order.  Alvin got roasted chicken with wild rice and veggies while Catherine got a turkey melt.  Another person got a bucket of fries with cheddar cheese and bacon.  

I sat down to the movie with my salad and then popcorn, and I realized that I’m not sure I cared what movie was about to start.  No one next to me on the couch?  Thank you, I will put my feet up. Just like home, but better: bigger screen, and all my E&A friends watching and chatting with me.  

Bryan Event Manager San Francisco

Let’s Play Some Games!

Imagine playing board games and getting loud and laughing so hard you can barely hear across the table!!  Every month we visit a local pub and have our own private space and do just that,  It’s one thing to play board games like Pictionary and Cranium, and Apples to Apples with close friends, but with strangers?  Those new faces aren’t strangers for too long.  There isn’t a better way to meet and learn about someone new, than to be tangled with arms locked, trying to build a block tower.  It’s not only fun to try it, but watching is a riot.  Last week at our Games Night, a group of members decided the questions for Cranium just weren’t as fun and tried playing with just the interactive, acting and team questions.  So much fun!!   Come out to the next one if you can make it!

Ambrea Event Manager Vancouver

Adults Night Out!

This past weekend we headed downtown to check out the Adults Night Out event at the Phoenix Science Museum! All that really means is that there are NO kids! We were able to grab a drink at the entrance (if we wanted) and headed in with just us adults – and it was awesome!

As a group we checked out several of the floors of interesting information, challenged each other with their hands on experiments and got to know one another in a fun, open environment! There was no uncomfortable pressure or awkward activities that made anyone feel out of place.  Afterwards we met up at a local pub that had some great music, a plethora of drink specials and options along with great food! The best part of the evening though: we were there till the late hours getting to know one another, making new friends and just enjoying a night out and not sitting at home!

Courtney Event Manager Phoenix

A Blank Canvas. A Glass of Wine. A Stroke of Genius

It’s Tuesday night after a long day of work. Most people head home to put on their sweats and plop in front of the TV all night. Not us. That’s not E&A’s style! Instead, we met up for a relaxing evening of wine, painting and friends! The night began with sipping and sampling the different wines we brought. We relaxed on plush couches and snacked on fresh baked breads accompanied by infused oils and vinegars. We took time to unwind, meet new members and talk about our day. Then it was time for the real fun to start! We each selected our desired photo and attempted to recreate it with paint and a blank canvas. At first it was a bit intimidating, but it wasn’t long before my painting was well on its way! Just when I thought i was stuck, help was close by. E&A had a private painting session which came with two of our very own instructors! Whenever we needed guidance or supplies they were right there waiting to help us. Even if we didn’t need anything at all they were there with compliments and encouragement! And when we were indulged and focused on our paintings, they brought to our attention when the local commuter train pulled up to the station across the street. For those of you that were there, you know what I mean. Let’s just say it was a reminder to take a break, breathe and sip your wine. (We liked train breaks). At the end of the evening it was great to see how many of us chose the same picture to paint and how differently they each turned out. The colors, the shapes, the strokes of the brushes…they were  all impressively beautiful! It was obvious to me how each of our characters were expressed through our art. We all have our own style and uniqueness…And that’s what E&A is all about. Coming together to be who we are!   Some of us have similarities and some of us have differences. That is why the club works! That is why we love it and have a blast!

April Event Manager Chicago

All Bundled Up For a Hayride!

Even after our first snowfall just a few days ago, our fall season is still upon us.  It’s kind of backwards, actually, the leaves are falling off of the trees on top of the snow on the ground.  But that doesn’t stop us from enjoying the beautiful autumn weather for a hayride!  We climbed aboard the wagon all bundled up with our hats and mittens to brave the chill of the air.  The hot cocoa and cider definitely aided in our warming up as we rode along the trails.  All we could hear was the sound of the horses hooves hitting the ground as they walked and the slight breeze rustling through the trees.  We saw some deer that were definitely not afraid of us, as they just looked up and stared, then went back to munching on the tall grass along the trails.  We talked, we laughed, we huddled up for warmth… all as we took in the views of this beautiful clear night!  We arrived back at the stables just as the sun was setting and just in time for a bonfire!  Roasting smores and hot dogs was an added treat as we filled up our cups again with something hot!  Definitely a night to remember with our fellow E&A friends!

Megan Event Manager Minneapolis

Nothing tops an E&A Halloween Party!

We had ours in one of the best spots… under the glow of the Space Needle at The Pacific Science Center’s Dinosaur Room.  It was really neat to have the party and dance floor next to these big animatronic moving dinosaurs.   Members really pulled out all the stops and went wild with their costumes. We had all sorts of ghosts and ghouls and creatures of all kinds, both sexy and scary costumes.  Freddy Krueger won scariest costume. Funniest costume was this squirrel guy and another person won for her costume of a huge Hershey’s Kiss!   I had on a Cop uniform and many members thought I was a real cop went they first walked in. “I’m just here to Serve & Protect”  J  

I’m shocked that the next morning we had 19 members signed up for a hike up by Hoodsport (the Cooper Creek Trail). I guess you just can’t stop our members. But I must admit it looks like it was a good hike.

We also did our Dark & Mysterious Wine tasting yesterday and that was a fun event. The owners of this great wine shop open up their shop for a private tasting just for E&A, they put out meats and cheeses and other delights for pairing with the wines. It’s informative but it’s also very social and the owners give us a discount on any bottles in the house when we are done ….I must admit I ended up buying a bottle to take home for the holidays.

Curtis Event Manager Seattle

Eating in the Dark and our Annual Halloween Party!

What a wicked weekend we had starting with a fantastic meal and event in the Dark!!  That’s right the Dark!!  A restaurant concept that has taken off, The Dark employs wait staff that is seeing impaired and they lead you to your tables and serve you, all while sitting in total darkness.  The best part, although the food was delicious was the great conversation as you tried to figure out what you were eating.  Most of us ended up eating with our fingers, as trying to manage utensils and not knocking everything off your plate was a little difficult!!  Then to top off the weekend we had our annual Halloween Party.  It always  amazes me to see the great bonds that are made in this club and new relationships beginning to blossom.  We had a terrific band rock the house and play music that had everyone singing and dancing the night away.  In between sets we had even more tunes and since we had our very own beer pong girls, it was only fitting that we played the song Solo Cup for them.  Great music, great food and of course the best of friends!!  It was an awesome night to party and celebrate Halloween in the Harbour.

Ambrea Event Manager Vancouver